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Thank you for purchasing the Chef Station
from JML.
To make sure you get the best results from this appliance please read these
instructions in full before you use it for the first time and retain for future reference.
1. Place the whisking paddle on to the turning axis and
add your ingredients.
2. Fix on the lid and the turning handle
3. Turn the handle quickly in either direction to whisk your
4. Once you have finished, you can either pour your
ingredients out the spout or remove the lid and paddle
and pour out the top.
1. Make sure the separator is positioned correctly on the
Chef Station
2. Break an egg on the raised bar on top of the separator
and drain the contents inside.
3. The separator will hold the yolk while allowing the
white to drain into the bowl. Simply remove the
separator to use or dispose of the yolk.
Using the whisking paddle
Using the egg separator
Cleaning instructions
Hand wash in warm water using a mild washing-up liquid. Take special care when cleaning the blades.
All parts are dishwasher safe: wash at a temperature of 70ºC and use top rack only.
Distributed by JML, JML, Unit 1 Eastside
Port of Tyne, South Shields, NE33 5SP
Freephone 0800 781 7831
Guarantee This product is unconditionally guaranteed for one year against all defects of workmanship and
materials. This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights.
If you have any problems or queries about this product please contact JMLs customer service department on
freephone 0800 781 7831.
Registered address: JML House, NW5 3EG.
Made in China
Please recycle
where facilities exist
Product code V03079

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