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MediaMaster® NMEA 200
Network Controller
Product Description
The MMR-40 is a NMEA 2000® network
controller designed to add full-function
auxiliary control to MediaMaster® source units.
Featuring a color LCD display and water-
resistant (IP66 rated) design, the MMR-40
connects directly to vessel networks using
applicable NMEA 2000® cables and connectors
(sold separately).
Note: The MMR-40 is not a stand-alone receiver and does
not function without a connected MediaMaster® source
unit. All remote control functionality of the MMR-40 is
solely derived from the host source unit. Functionality
of the MMR-40 requires connection to a NMEA 200
network or use of MMC-PN2K powered network cables
(sold separately).
What Is Included?
(1) MMR-40 Network Controller
(1) Mounting gasket
(1) Mounting template
(4) Mounting screws
(1) Protective sun cover
(1) User Manual
Safety Considerations
While this product is designed to be water-
resistant, it should never be submerged
under water or subjected to high-pressure
water spray.
Do not mount in areas of extreme heat.
Ensure this product is securely installed so
that it does not come loose in the event
of a collision/sudden jolt or as a result or
repeated vibrations during normal operation.
Check before drilling to make sure that you
will not be drilling into a fuel tank, gas/brake
line, wiring harness, or other vital system.
Secure all wiring as needed, using cable
ties or wire clamps to protect them from
moving parts and sharp edges.
Always follow proper safety procedures and
wear eye-protection at all times with a dust
mask and gloves when cutting.
General Command Functions
Below is a list of general source unit functions
that are controlled by the MMR-40.
Note: The functionality of some commands will
vary depending on the specific MediaMaster®
source unit connected to the network.
Button /
General Source Unit Functions
• Press to turn ON
• Press and hold to turn OFF
Press to display the SOURCE: Select menu
• Rotate to adjust volume
Rotate to scroll thru menu options
Press to choose/enter (menu options)
Press to go back or return to the previous screen
Press to access available menu options
Press and hold to store a channel/station as a preset
Press to view your list of stored presets and to access
the Favorites: Edit menu.
Press to access the Tone, Balance & Crossover menu
Press and hold to access the System Settings: Main Menu
• Press to tune in the next frequency/station/track
Press and hold to seek to the next channel or
skip forward/fast-forward
• Press to tune in the previous frequency/station/track
Press and hold to seek to the previous channel or
skip backward/fast-rewind
Press to mute/unmute/pause/resume audio
Press and hold to access available Play options
Press to toggle between Day/Night display settings
of the MMR-40
Press and hold to access the System Settings:
Display menu of the MMR-40

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