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FCC Compliance Statement
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits of Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed in accordance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from
that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Any changes or modications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate
this equipment.
Safety Considerations
Install the receiver module in a dry, well-ventilated location that
does not interfere with your factory-installed systems. If a dry
environment is not available, a location that is not exposed to
heavy splashing may be used. Do not install where it will be directly
exposed to the elements.
Securely mount the receiver module to avoid coming loose in the
event of a collision, sudden jolt or as a result of repeated vibrations
during normal use.
While the remote transmitter is designed to be water-resistant, it
should never be submerged under water for prolonged periods or
subjected to high-pressure water spray.
Do not mount the remote cradle or receiver module in an engine
compartment or areas of extreme heat. Areas exposed to a heater or
hot air should also be avoided.
Check before drilling to make sure that you will not be drilling into
an exterior panel/hull, fuel tank, gas/brake line, wiring harness or
other vital system.
Protect all wiring from sharp edges and wear by carefully routing
them, tying them down and using grommets and loom where
appropriate. Secure all wiring using cable ties or wire clamps,
as needed.
Installation Applications
This product is designed for operation in 12 volt, negative-ground
electrical systems. Using this product in systems with positive ground
and/or voltages other than 12 volts may result in damage to the
product and will void the warranty. This product is not certied or
approved for use in aircraft.
What is Included
(1) MMR-10W Remote Transmitter
(1) Remote Cradle
(2) Plastic cable ties
(1) Flat head screw
(1) User Manual
Also Included (MMR-10W only)
(1) MMR-10W Receiver Module
(2) Pan head screws
(1) Quick-release lanyard
Product Description
The MMR-10W is a wireless remote controller designed to add
handheld control functionality to MediaMaster® source units.
Utilizing state-of-the-art, 2.4 GHz wireless technology, the MMR-
10W permits control of your MediaMaster® source unit (with LED
signal conrmation), from up to 150 ft. (45 m) away. The MMR-10W
system consists of a hideaway receiver module and water-resistant
(IP67 rated) remote transmitter. The receiver module is designed to
connect directly to your MediaMaster® and is programmable, with
the ability to pair with up to ten MMR-10W remote transmitters.
A versatile mounting cradle is included, along with a lanyard for
convenient, on-the-go functionality.
IP67 Water Resistance Rating
The MMR-10W remote transmitter has been tested to withstand
immersion in water, up to 1 meter (3.28 ft.) deep, for up to 30 minutes.
Note: While designed to be water resistant, the remote should never
be submerged under water for prolonged periods or subjected to
activity that creates pressure on it that exceeds its depth rating.
Receiver Module Placement & Connection
While the MMR-10W receiver module can be mounted in any
orientation, its installation location should be considered to
optimize RF performance. For example, we recommend that you
avoid mounting the receiver module directly to metal surfaces or
to wire harnesses, especially those containing high-current circuits.
Mounting locations in close proximity to other electronics should also
be avoided to minimize wireless interference. Use the two supplied
pan head screws to mount the receiver module.
The receiver module is designed to connect directly to the 5-pin
“Remote” plug of your MediaMaster®. Use caution when mating
the connectors, as they are keyed and must be aligned to t
properly. Note: If a MMR-20 wired remote controller is installed
with your MediaMaster®, you may use a Y-adaptor (MMC-2Y)
(sold separately) to add/connect the MMR-10W receiver module.
If space directly behind your MediaMaster® is limited, you
may use a remote controller cable (MMC-6 or MMC-25) (each
sold separately) to extend the receiver module’s mounting
options. Once connected, make sure that cables are securely
routed using cable ties and wire clamps, keeping connections
away from areas where they could be submerged in water.
MediaMaster® Wireless Remote Controller
MMR-10W / MMR-10W-Remote
Remote Cradle Mounting
For convenience, a plastic cradle is included to mount the MMR-
10W remote transmitter. The base of the cradle is designed so it can
be installed on a at surface or a tubular structure, such as a pipe/
rail or steering wheel. Note: Select a location that does not interfere
with other factory installed devices or safety equipment. Refer to the
following installation examples for more information.
Surface Mount Example
Attach to a at surface using
the included at head screw.
Pipe/Rail Mount Example
Attach to a straight pipe/rail
using the included plastic
cable ties.

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