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2 | JL Audio - M600/6 Owners Manual
It is important that you take the time to read
this manual and that you plan out your
installation carefully. The following are some
considerations that you must take into account
when planning your installation.
Cooling Efficiency Considerations:
The outer shell of your JL Audio amplifier is
designed to remove heat from the amplifier
circuitry. For optimum cooling performance, this
outer shell should be exposed to as large a volume
of air as possible. Enclosing the amplifier in a
small, poorly ventilated chamber can lead to
excessive heat build-up and degraded
performance. If an installation calls for an
enclosure around the amplifier, we recommend
that this enclosure be ventilated with the aid
of a fan. In normal applications, fan-cooling
is not necessary.
Mounting the amplifier upside down is
strongly discouraged.
Safety Considerations:
Your amplifier needs to be installed in a dry,
well-ventilated environment and in a manner
which does not interfere with your vessel’s factory
installed electronic devices. You should also take
the time to securely mount the amplifier using the
supplied screws so that it does not come loose in
the event of a collision or a sudden jolt to the vessel.
Stupid Mistakes to Avoid:
Check before drilling any holes in your vessel to
make sure that you will not be drilling through
the hull, a fuel tank, fuel line, wiring harness or
other vital vessel system.
Do not run system wiring outside or underneath
the vessel. This is an extremely dangerous
practice which can result in severe damage to
your vessel and person.
Protect all system wires from sharp edges
(metal, fiberglass, etc.) by carefully routing
them, tying them down and using grommets
and loom where appropriate.
Do not mount the amplifier in the engine
compartment or in any other area that will
expose the amplifier circuitry to the elements.
While this amplifier is specially designed
for marine applications, it is not waterproof
and it should not be mounted where it is
likely to get wet.
We value you as a long-term customer. For
that reason, we urge you to practice restraint in
the operation of this product so as not to damage
your hearing and that of others in your vessel.
Studies have shown that continuous exposure to
high sound pressure levels can lead to permanent
(irreparable) hearing loss. This and all other
high-power amplifiers are capable of producing
such high sound pressure levels when connected
to a speaker system. Please limit your continuous
exposure to high volume levels.
While driving, operate your audio system in
a manner that still allows you to hear necessary
noises to operate your vessel safely (horns,
sirens, etc.).
In the event that your amplifier requires
service or is ever stolen, you will need to have
a record of the products serial number. Please
take the time to enter that number in the space
provided below. The serial number can be found
on the bottom panel of the amplifier and on the
amplifier packaging.
Serial Number:
This amplifier is designed for operation in
vessels with 12 volt, negative-ground electrical
systems. Use of this product in vessels with
positive ground and/or voltages other than 12V
may result in damage to the product and will void
the warranty.
This product is not certified or approved for
use in aircraft.
Do not attempt to bridge” the outputs of this
amplifier with the outputs of a second amplifier,
including an identical one.
(pg. 11)
Ch. 1 & 2 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 1 & 2
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 1 & 2 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Level Mode
(pg. 9)
(pg. 7)
Ch. 3 & 4 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 3 & 4
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 3 & 4 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Ch. 5 & 6 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 5 & 6
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 5 & 6 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Remote Turn-On
(pg. 6)
Chassis Ground
(pg. 5)
Channels 1 & 2
Preamp Input Jacks
(pg. 7)
Channels 5 & 6
Preamp Input Jacks
(pg. 7)
+12 V Power
(pg. 5)
Channels 5 & 6
Speaker Outputs
(pg. 10)
Channels 3 & 4
Speaker Outputs
(pg. 10)
Channels 1 & 2
Speaker Outputs
(pg. 10)
Jack for
Remote Level
Control Knob
(pg. 9)
Channels 3 & 4
Preamp Input Jacks
(pg. 7)

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