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From a reliability standpoint, this zone
represents a very comfortable operating power
range for each driver. This level of power will not
stress the woofer but will not extract all of its
performance potential, either.
Use of less than the minimum power level
will not damage the woofer, but may result in
unsatisfactory performance.
This zone represents the best compromise
between long-term reliability, high-output and
low-distortion performance and is centered
on each woofer's continuous power rating (as
published in its specifications). In this zone, you
will be taking full advantage of the woofer's
optimum, low-distortion performance range
without undue risk of failure.
In this zone, low-distortion output and long-
term reliability will be compromised (especially
by an aggressive user). Slightly more SPL will be
gained by pushing the power into this zone, but
typically not more than 2dB, compared to the
light gray zone. The closer you are to the black
zone, the higher the likelihood of driver failure.
Operate with caution.
We do not recommend operating woofers at
this level of power. In this zone, there is a very
high probability that the driver will fail due to
excessive heat and/or mechanical stress.
Subwoofer drivers operated at these levels of
power are NOT covered under warranty.
125W 250W 500W 1000W75W
Printed in USA JL13TW5v2-10-16-2012_011242
JL AUDIO warrants this speaker to be free of defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase.
Damage caused by the following is not covered under warranty: accident,
misuse, abuse, product modification or neglect, failure to follow installation
instructions, unauthorized repair attempts, misrepresentations by the seller. This
warranty does not cover incidental or consequential damages and does not cover
the cost of removing or reinstalling the unit(s). Cosmetic damage due to accident
or normal wear and tear is not covered under warranty.
This warranty is not transferable and applies only to the original purchaser
of the product from an authorized JL AUDIO dealer. Warranty is voided if the
factory-applied product serial number is removed or defaced.
Should service be necessary under this warranty for any reason due to
manufacturing defect or malfunction, JL AUDIO will, at its discretion, repair or
replace the defective product with new or remanufactured product at no charge.
Any applicable implied warranties are limited in duration to the period of
the express warranty as provided herein beginning with the date of the original
purchase at retail, and no warranties, whether express or implied, shall apply to this
product thereafter. Some states do not allow limitations on implied warranties,
therefore these exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific
legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
If you need service on your JL AUDIO product:
All warranty returns should be sent to JL AUDIO freight prepaid through an
authorized JL AUDIO dealer and must be accompanied by proof of purchase
(a copy of the original sales receipt.) Direct returns from consumers or non-
authorized dealers will be refused unless specifically authorized by JL AUDIO with
a valid return authorization number. Warranty expiration on products returned
without proof of purchase will be determined from the manufacturing date code.
Coverage may be invalidated as this date is previous to purchase date. Return only
defective components. Non-defective items received will be returned freight-
collect. Customer is responsible for shipping charges and insurance in sending the
product to JL AUDIO. Freight damage on returns is not covered under warranty.
Always include proof of purchase (sales receipt).
JL Audio offers an extensive line of high-performance subwoofer drivers to fit a wide variety of enclosure and power applications. When designing systems with our drivers, it is very important
to achieve a good power match between the subwoofer amplifier and the subwoofer driver's capabilities. The power levels listed in the above chart represent continuous (RMS) amplifier power
per woofer and assume that the user will regularly make full use of that power without drastically overdriving the amplifier(s). Make sure you factor system impedance and the total number of
subwoofers into your calculations. Adhering to these power recommendations will result in systems that are both reliable and enjoyable.
For Service Information in the U.S.A. please call:
JL Audio customer service: (954) 443-1100 during normal business hours (Eastern Time)
JL Audio, Inc
10369 North Commerce Parkway, Miramar, FL 33025
International Warranties:
Products purchased outside the United States of America are covered only by that country’s distributor and not by JL Audio, Inc.
Automotive Subwoofer Components

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