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SIZE:W80 x H100(mm)
BY Lai HZ 11/12/09
Version 1.1
Instruments by Jörg Kachelmann
Jörg Kachelmann, meteorologist and founder of Meteomedia AG,
revolutionised weather reports in the early 90ies with a new type of
media presentation and the high quality of his local weather forecasts.
Today Meteomedia is one of the leading weather services in Europe
and, with its own Severe Weather Centres in Switzerland and in
Germany, among other things, specialist for modern early warning
systems for extreme weather conditions.
The core of the company is the private weather measurement network.
It is one of the biggest measurement networks in Europe.
With "Instruments by Jörg Kachelmann" Irox, market leader in the
manufacturing of measuring devices, and Jörg Kachelmann have
developed a joint product that convinces with its high quality
measurements, simple handling and elegant design.
Weather forecasts by Jörg Kachelmann: www.meteocentrale.ch.
JKR-1 is for indoor use only and that it is an ideal add on to the
JKT-3R and JKTG-4R for monitoring additional indoor rooms.
Other Irox products to which JKR-1 is compatible too:
HBR326P, HBR329, HBR529, HBR623-i, HBR653, HBR657,
HTR219, Pro-X2, Pro-EC, HT78, HTG77, HTG79.
For an updated list of compatible products, please visit www.irox.com.
Please read the instructions carefully.
(CH 1-5)
Changes the unit of temperature in the display from °C to °F or vice
Display the temperature and relative air humidity
1. Select the channel (CH 1-5).
2. Remove the battery door and install 2 batteries (AM-4 or “AAA”
size 1.5V) strictly according to the polarities shown.
This device is a new development of Irox Development Technology.
All information was made and checked by means of a functioning
instrument. It may occur that adjustments and improvements of the
device will take place that due to typographical procedures were not
able to be listed in this manual. Should you notice deviations which
make it difficult for you to operate and use the instrument you may at
any time download the latest manual onto your PC free of charge at
www.irox.com (please refer to the version number of the manual).
© Irox Development Technology
use 2 pcs AM-4 or AAA 1.5V battery
Dimension and weight
86g (incl. batteries)
69(W) x 107(H) x 10(D) mm
19 20

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Andere handleiding(en) van Irox JKR-1

Irox JKR-1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Français - 2 pagina's

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