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1. Connect POWER SCAN to your computer’s USB port with the included USB cable.
Note: The first time you connect POWER SCAN to your computer, wait a few seconds until you
see a dialog box that says "Found New Hardware" (this means the computer recognizes
POWER SCAN). After you see this, POWER SCAN is ready to use.
2. Insert your appropriate holder and film.
a. If you are scanning a slide, insert it into the FILM
HOLDER SLOT on the top of the device.
b. If you are scanning a strip of negatives, insert the
included strip film guide into the FILM HOLDER SLOT on
the top of the device. Then insert one end of the negative
strip into the FILM HOLDER SLOT on the right side of the
device. Turn the FILM FEEDER WHEEL
counterclockwise while gently "feeding" the negative into
the slot. (If you want to go back to a previous frame or if
the negative strip is getting jammed, turn the FILM
FEEDER WHEEL clockwise while gently pulling the
negative from the slot.)
Note: The negative strip itself must be at least three
frames long. Otherwise, it may get stuck in the device. If
a negative strip becomes jammed in the device, you can loosen it by inserting the included
film retrieval strip into the FILM HOLDER SLOT.
Note: Handle negatives with care. Any dust, scratches or fingerprints will show up on your
saved images. If possible use cotton gloves when handling negatives. It is recommended
to use compressed air to remove any dust on the negatives. This is not included with the
film scanner but can be purchased from an office or electronics supply retailer.
c. If you are scanning a single negative frame, insert it into the included single frame holder
and insert it into the FILM HOLDER SLOT on the top of the device.
d. In the event that films are not able to get out from the film scanner, insert the film retrieval
strip into the scanner, and use it as a tool to retriever the film out by feeding it into the

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  • Ik heb ook zo'n nog nooit gebruikte ion powerscan met Windows XP/Vista installatie-CD. Hoe krijg ik een installatie voor Windows-10 voor elkaar? Kan ik dat ergens downloaden? Gesteld op 24-10-2020 om 10:31

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ion POWERSCAN

Ion POWERSCAN Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 28 pagina's

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