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4. Master Volume Control: This adjusts the speaker’s
main mix volume, which includes Microphone Input,
Auxiliary Input, and the audio of a paired Bluetooth
5. Power LED: Indicates whether Party Rocker Live is
on or off.
6. Light Mode: There are three modes to select from for
how the dome lights react to the music.
Auto = the dome lights spin and change color
with a predetermined pattern regardless of the
beat of the music playing.
Beat Sync = the dome lights spin and change
color to the beat of the music playing.
App Mode = the dome lights are controlled using
the mobile app (available for Android or iOS).
7. Dome: The dome light can spin and react to the music
playing (depending on the Light Mode that is selected).
8. Power Cable Input (IEC): Insert the included power
cable here to power the unit.
9. Power ON/OFF Switch: Turns Party Rocker Live on or off.
10. Air Vents: These air intake and air outtake vents operate when Light Mode is turned on to ensure the light
dome operates efficiently.
Note: Please ensure these vents do not get covered or blocked.
If the sound is distorted: Try lowering the volume control of your sound source or musical instrument. Also, try to
reduce the overall volume of Party Rocker Live.
If there is too much bass: Try adjusting the tone or EQ control on your sound source to lower the bass level. This
will allow you to play the music louder before clipping (distortion) occurs.
If there is a high-pitched whistling noise when using microphones: This is probably feedback. Point the
microphone away from the speaker.
If you can’t hear the microphone over the music volume: Turn down the music volume from your source.
Connecting with a Bluetooth Device
1. Turn on your Bluetooth device.
2. Power on Party Rocker Live and it will automatically go into pairing mode to search for Bluetooth devices. You
will know you are in pairing mode when the LED is off.
3. If your Bluetooth device is not able to pair to the amp, press the disconnect button on the amp to break
previous Bluetooth connections and reset the Bluetooth module.
4. Navigate to your Bluetooth device’s setup screen, find “Party Rocker Live” and connect.
Note: If your Bluetooth device prompts for a pairing code, enter ‘0000’.
5. Paired LED will light up solid when it is 'paired'.
Note: If you experience trouble pairing or playing music, update your device's OS.
6. To disconnect pairing, press the ‘Disconnect’ button on Party Rocker Live.
7. To connect to another Bluetooth device, repeat steps 3-4.
Note: Maximum range will be achieved when using devices with Bluetooth 4.0.
WARNING: Do not look directly into the dome
light. Do not sit, stand, or apply pressure on
the dome light.

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