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We do not need to remind you of the importance of service. After all, we develop our products to a standard so that you
can enjoy them for many years, without any concerns. If, nevertheless, there is a problem, we believe you are entitled to a
solution straight away. Hence our products come with an exchange service, on top of the rights and claims you are entitled to
by law. By exchanging a product or part, we save you time, effort and costs.
2-year full manufacturer’s warranty
1. Customers enjoy a 2-year full manufacturer’s warranty on all Inventum products. Within this period, a faulty product or part will
always be exchanged for a new model, free of charge. In order to claim under the 2-year full manufacturer’s warranty, you can either
return the product to the shop you bought it from or contact the Inventum costumer service department via the form at www.
2. The 2-year warranty period starts from the date the product is bought.
3. In order to claim under the warranty, you must produce a copy of the original receipt.
4. The warranty applies only to normal domestic use of Inventum products within the Netherlands.
5-year Inventum warranty
1. Inventum offers a 5-year warranty on most large domestic appliances and a selection of small domestic appliances. This 5-year
Inventum warranty consists of a 2-year full manufacturer’s warranty, extended by a further 3-year warranty. The only thing you
need to do to qualify for the 3-year extended warranty is to register the product within 45 days of purchase. You can read more
about registering the product in the following paragraph.
2. In accordance with the 5-year Inventum warranty provisions, a faulty product or part will always be exchanged for a new model
during the first 2 years under the warranty. During the 3rd to 5th year under the warranty, you will only pay the costs of exchange.
The current costs of exchange are listed at www.inventum.eu/omruilkosten.
3. In order to claim under the 5-year Inventum warranty, you can either return the product to the shop you bought it from or contact
the Inventum costumer service department via the form at www.inventum.eu/service-aanvraag.
4. The 5-year warranty period starts from the date the product is bought.
5. In order to claim under the warranty, you must produce a copy of the original receipt.
6. The warranty applies only to normal domestic use of Inventum products within the Netherlands.
Product registration
1. The 3-year extended warranty is easy to obtain, free of charge, by registering the product within 45 days of purchase, via the
website www.inventum.eu/garantie- registratie. If you did not register the product within 45 days of purchase, you can still do so
up to 2 years after the purchase date. However, there will be a charge. The one-off registration charge is € 89 for each separate
product. Registration is possible only for products that are subject to the 5-year Inventum warranty. Whether the product qualifies
for the 5-year Inventum warranty is stated in the product user manual and in the product information sheet, on Inventum’s website.
2. The warranty period always starts from the date the product is bought. If the product is registered for the extended warranty at a
later date, the warranty period still starts from the original date of purchase.
3. The 3-year extended warranty can only be applied for if you are in the possession of a copy of the original receipt and the Inventum
5-year warranty certificate.
Large domestic appliances
1. Breakdowns or faults in large domestic appliances (separate and built-in white goods) can be registered via the form at
www.inventum.eu/service-aanvraag, by calling the Inventum costumer service department or in the store where you bought the
device. The telephone number of the costumer service department can be found at www.inventum.eu.
2. In the event of breakdowns or faults in large domestic appliances, Inventum will have the option to have a service engineer inspect
the faulty device onsite at the customer in the Netherlands and to carry out repairs, there and then. The Inventum customer
service department can also decide to have the device exchanged.
3. If you suffer a breakdown or fault in a large domestic appliance during the first 2 years from the date of purchase, Inventum will not
charge any costs for the exchange, call-out or for parts and labour.
4. If you registered the product as described before at www.inventum.eu/garantie-registratie and you subsequently report a
breakdown of a large domestic appliance in the 3rd to 5th year of the date of purchase, the 5-year Inventum warranty applies and
the device will be repaired or exchanged, free of charge. In the event of a repair or exchange of the device, you only pay the costs
of exchange. The current costs of exchange are listed at www.inventum.eu/omruilkosten. If you did not register the product, the
3-year extended warranty does not apply.
5. When reporting a breakdown or fault, a service engineer will contact the customer within 1 working day in order to make an
appointment. When the report is made in a weekend or during a public holiday, this will be the next working day.
6. If you report a breakdown or fault via the form at www.inventum.eu/service-aanvraag, you will be kept informed of the progress via
mobile messages and e-mail.
7. The warranty period starts from the date the product is bought.
8. In order to claim under the warranty, you must produce a copy of the original receipt and the Inventum 5-year warranty certificate.
9. The warranty applies only to normal domestic use of Inventum products within the Netherlands.
general terms and conditions of service and warranty
English 29

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