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Attention: Your fryer is provided with a double safety, a reset-button and a safety switch.
Reset button
The fryer is provided with a overheatingsafety which automatically shuts the fryer off when overheating. You can switch the fryer back on when you
push in the reset-button on the back in the storagecompartment. See "E" on the picture. Use a blunt object to press the reset-button in the small
round opening.
Safety switch
On the front of the heating element you will see a safety switch. If you pull out the heating element while the fryer is still on, the safety switch will
shut the element of. This means that you can not use the heating element when it is not placed or not placed correctly in the retaining slots.
Always unplug the fryer and let it cool down fully before cleaning. The oil can be used longer, if you filter it regularly. Pour the cooled oil in a bowl.
Clean the reservoir with warm water and a mild detergent. Dry thoroughly. The enameled reservoir can also be cleaned in the dishwasher. When
you put the oil back in the cleaned reservoir, pour the oil through a fine sieve. Check if the level of the oil is between the maximum and the
minimum line.
Clean the outside and the lid with warm water and a mild detergent. Remove the reservoir and the element before cleaning. You can also clean the
lid in the dishwasher. Make sure that the lid is completely dry before using it again.
Never use any abrasives! Never immerse the heating element, power cord or plug in water or other liquids.
• This product is guaranteed for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase against mechanical and electrical defect.
• Guarantee can only be given if proof of purchase (e.g. till receipt) can be shown. Therefore keep it in a safe place. The guarantee period starts
at date of purchase.
• Guarantee is not valid in case of:
- normal wear;
- damage through misuse use or when the instructions were not followed correctly;
- lack of maintenance;
- not following the operation- and safety instructions;
- incompetent montage or repairs made by yourself or others;
- using accessories and spare parts which are not suitable for the appliance; for assessment by our technical department.
• The guarantee is not valid for:
- batteries; for assessment by our technical department.
Return the appliance, including proof of purchase and description of the complaint, stamped to:
Inventum Holland BV
Generatorstraat 17
The Netherlands
or to:
new E.T.P. bvba
Passtraat 121
9100 Sint Niklaas
• Pack it carefully (preferably in the original carton). Ensure unit is clean.
• Enclose your name and address and quote model number GF540 on all correspondence.
When the guarantee is no longer valid or when the period of guarantee has passed, we will charge any costs that
flow out of an assessment and/or repairing.
On request we will supply a statement before repairing. Without requesting a statement, we assume that you, by
sending the appliance, automatically order to repair the appliance.
A guarantee period of two months is valid for repairs done by our technical department and the used spare parts,
counting from the repairdate. When a malfunction occurs within this period which directly flows out of the repairs and
the used spare parts, the consumer has the right of repairs without any costs.
C L E A N I N G & M A I N T E N A N C E
A F T E R S A L E S S E R V I C E S & G U A R A N T E E

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