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INVENTUM guarantees this product for a period of 2 years starting from the date of purchase. The warranty covers proven defects
in material, manufacturing and functioning of components and includes material costs, travel- or shipping costs and labor.
INVENTUM provides not only the 2 years standard warranty, but also gives 3 years extended warranty on spare parts and
labor costs. We only bill the travel- or shipping costs. This way, the quality of your INVENTUM equipment is 5 years
To qualify for the extended 5 year warranty, please register your appliance within 45 days of purchase on
Why is registration important for you?
1. You get a 5-year warranty
2. All details of your appliance are known by Inventum. No need to search for your model number when you contact us.
3. Inventum can provide a faster and better service when you contact our service center.
Guarantee can only be given if proof of purchase (e.g. till receipt or copy) can be shown. Therefore keep it in a safe place. The
guarantee period starts at the date of purchase.
Guarantee is not valid in case of:
- normal wear;
- damage through misuse use or when the instructions were not followed correctly;
- lack of maintenance;
- not following the operation- and safety instructions;
- incompetent montage or repairs made by yourself or others;
- using accessories and spare parts which are not suitable for the appliance;
for assessment by our technical department.
• The guarantee is not valid for:
- normal wear - such as baking tray, grill rack and removal handles;
- normal wear and tear – such as glass breakage, scratches on the equipment, discoloration of plastic or painted parts; Insufficient
or incorrect maintenance can cause discolouration of surfaces and rubbers and plastics can deteriorate fast. This is also not
covered under warranty.
- (interchangeable) signal- and controllamps;
- defects and consequential damage caused by strong contamination and incorrect maintenance;
for assessment by our technical department.
Defects which do not significantly influence the value or operation of the device asre excluded by free repair and / or replacement.
Transport damage is not guaranteed. Therefore, check your new equipment before use. If any damage is found, please contact your
supplier within 5 working days after purchase.
From warranty and/or replacement are excluded: defects, loss and damage to the appliance due to an event that usually is insured
under the home contents insurance.
To whom can you turn to?
On www.inventum.eu you will find - besides advice on how to use the appliance and cleaning tips - all the answers to your servce
related questions. Please check the website before contacting our service center.
You can register your service request quickly and easily online at www.inventum.eu. It is also possible to do this by telephone via the
INVENTUM service organization. INVENTUM Service Organization: 0900-INVENTUM (0900-468 36 88) ( just for Holland).
To provide the best possible service and to process your service request as soon as possible, we recommend that you always first
contact INVENTUM.
Our service address is:
Inventum Huishoudelijke Apparaten B.V.
Attn. Service department
Generatorstraat 17
Website: www.inventum.eu
THE NETHERLANDS Helpdesk: 0900-468 36 88
( just for Holland)
guarantee & after sales service
26 English
AKB9011-AKB9021-instructions.indd 26 27-8-2014 9:29:53

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