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INTERPHONE FBEAT is a Bluetooth® helmet system for en-
tertainment and information while driving a motorcycle.
INTERPHONE FBEAT is compatible with all mobile phones
and GPS navigators with Bluetooth® technology.
The module is covered by a special Weather Protection Skin
membrane making it fully waterproof. Its aerodynamics have
been designed to avoid any disturbances generated by air
turbulence, and to allow water, if raining, to slide away.
Its controls and shape have been designed to allow for quick
and easy identification and access while riding wearing
INTERPHONE FBEAT can be installed on any helmet, with-
out affecting its structure or finish. Once installed, it can be
removed at any time. INTERPHONE FBEAT does not change
the helmet’s certification.
Always give priority to driving your vehicle, not to telephone
During a telephone conversation, or while using the intercom,
reduce your speed and concentrate on your driving.
In bad weather and/or heavy traffic, we recommend pulling
over and stopping before answering.
Always ride carefully and in accordance with the current high-
way code.
To avoid theft, if leaving the helmet on the motorcycle, IN-
TERPHONE FBEAT is fitted with a quick release button to al-
low you to remove the external Bluetooth® module and take
it with you.
Telephone functions
• Voice response
• Voice call
• Use of independent telephone on both units
Intercom Functions
• Driver-passenger connection
• Intercom communication with activation button
• Phone call notication
GPS functions
• Bluetooth® GPS audio instructions
• Phone call notication
Stereo functions
Wireless hi- stereo connection with mobile phones and
Bluetooth® A2DP MP3 players
Music control using InterphoneFBEAT buttons
Automatic resumption of the song from the exact point
when temporarily interrupted
• Phone call notication
• Full duplex communication
• DSP lter
(digital cancellation of wind and background noise)
• Automatic volume adjustment
(speed and noise compensation)
• Fully waterproof (IP67)
• Installation in just 5 minutes
• Removable control panel
• Lithium battery
• Active use autonomy: up to 12 hours
(Considering that the average use time, alternating the vari-
ous functions, is shorter)
• Standby duration: up to 700 hours
• Recharge time 3 hours
• Weight: 83g including ear phones and microphone
Active use autonomy is indicative. It has been calculated by
alternating the use of all the INTERPHONE FBEAT functions
and, given the varied use of these; it can vary significantly
from one use to another.
During Intercom communication, one of the two Interphone
or INTERPHONE FBEAT devices has greater battery con-
sumption: this phenomenon is due to the wireless search
procedure the one of the control units performs to remain
connected to the other and can also lead to 60/90 minute
autonomy difference.
On long journeys, to optimise battery duration, we advise en-
abling Intercom mode only when you wish to communicate,
remaining in stand-by or an alternative mode when not actu-
ally communicating.
Contents of the package
a) Bluetooth® control panel
b) Stereo earphone equipped with a microphone with foam
windscreen, on a flexible arm (universal)
d) Removable clip-on support
e) Permanent adhesive-based support
f) USB cable for recharging
i) Velcro adhesive strips
j) Clip adapter
k) Screwdriver
l) Instruction manual
NOTES: in the package containing two FBEAT kits, components
a - b - d - e - i - j - k are doubled.
Product description
InterphoneFBEAT Bluetooth® module
1) Multi-purpose button
2) Menu UP button
3) Menu DOWN button
4) + Volume button
5) - Volume button
6) Multifunction LED
7) Multifunction LED
8) Multifunction socket
9) Bluetooth® module connection guide
Audio unit for open-face, modular and full-face helmets:
10) Left earphone
11) Right earphone
13) Microphone connectors (B or C)
14) Microphone with foam windscreen
15) Connection plug
16) Recharge socket
Care and maintenance
If not using the kit for long periods of time, the battery must be
charged every two/three months, to avoid damage.
To clean, use a damp sponge and mild soap, if necessary. Do not
use solvents or degreasing products to clean the module.
Important note: to prevent water from seeping in through the
audio connector and damaging the module during cleaning, be
sure to insert the plug from the audio section into the socket,
as when the unit is installed and used on the helmet. The kit is
watertight only when the audio plug is inserted.
WARNINGS: If radio interference is high due to the vicinity of
repeaters, high voltage towers or various kinds of radio signals,
intercom communication and/or the InterphoneFBEAT device
itself could shut down.
To restore operation, try moving away from the area of interfer-
ence and/or turn the InterphoneFBEAT off and then back on.
Assistance and Warranty
This product is covered by a warranty that complies with the
laws in the country where the unit was purchased.
All information necessary for product assistance or spare parts can
be found on our website www.interphone.com.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Interphone-Cellularline Fbeat

Interphone-Cellularline Fbeat Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 9 pagina's

Interphone-Cellularline Fbeat Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

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