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© 2015 UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc. 1 / 6 P/N 230444 • REV A • ISS 01SEP15
NXG-1820-EUR Touch Screen User Manual
The NX-182xE is an intuitive graphical touch screen interface
for users of the xGen security system. It is offering simple
fingertip control, via its clear 3.5” touch screen with easy to
understand graphic icons.
1. System Status bar – this colour coded section will provide
detailed information about your system.
2. Away – touch this button to arm the system in Away Mode.
3. Stay – touch this button to arm the system in Stay Mode.
4. Off – touch this button to disarm the system and to
acknowledge fault messages.
5. Status – touch this button for detailed status on partitions,
zones, and devices.
6. Menu – touch this button to access the menus.
7. Partition List – touch this button to view partition details.
8. SOS – touch this button to access emergency features
and the installer information.
Navigating the NXG-1820E Touch Screen
Status and information typically appears in the top section of
the screen.
User functions are in the middle of the screen. Navigation (up
and down) buttons to scroll through lists up and down will
appear here. Left and right arrows will switch to the
previous/next item. Sometimes a Goto button will appear to
allow you to navigate directly to the item you need.
The bottom tool bar typically includes a back button to return to
the previous screen, and a home button to save the current
settings and return to the home screen.
Entering a PIN Code
You will need a valid PIN code to access to various features
and system information.
After a period of inactivity, a screensaver will appear and it will
go into power save mode. Tap the screen to wake it up. A
screen will appear requesting to enter your code. A valid PIN is
required to unlock the screen and access the system.
Enter a valid user code followed by ENTER. User PIN codes
can be between 4 and 8 digits in length. The default master
user PIN code is 1234.
If you make a mistake, press the Delete key.
If the PIN code is invalid for the feature you are trying to
access you will be returned to the home screen.
Permissions are assigned to users and keypads to determine
what features and when a user can access the system. If you
are unable to access a desired feature, contact your security
system installer or building manager for assistance.
System Status
The xGen will display colour coded system status messages
on the top of the main screen.
System Away
Main Menu (6)
Status Bar (1)
System Stay
Emergency (8)
System Away

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