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not be able to retract the seat belt. After a
few minutes, the motor reactivates and
retracts the seat belt. If the seat belt still
cannot be retracted by the motor, the pre-
crash seat belt system has a malfunction.
Have your INFINITI retailer check and repair
the system.
. Every person who drives or rides in this
vehicle should use a seat belt at all
. Do not ride in a moving vehicle when the
seatback is reclined. This can be danger-
ous. The shoulder belt will not be
against your body. In an accident, you
could be thrown into it and receive neck
or other serious injuries. You could also
slide under the lap belt and receive
serious internal injuries.
. For the most effective protection when
the vehicle is in motion, the seat should
be upright. Always sit well back in the
seat with both feet on the floor and
adjust the seat belt properly.
Models with rear seat folding
Do not allow children to play with the seat
belts. Most seating positions are equipped
with Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR)
mode seat belts. If the seat belt becomes
wrapped around a childs neck with the ALR
mode activated, the child can be seriously
injured or killed if the seat belt retracts and
becomes tight. This can occur even if the
vehicle is parked. Unbuckle the seat belt to
release the child. For the center of the rear
seat on the models with rear seat folding,
the connector tongue
may also be
released. Release the connector tongue by
inserting a suitable tool (such as a key) into
the connector buckle
. If the seat belt
can not be unbuckled or is already un-
buckled, release the child by cutting the
seat belt with a suitable tool (such as a
knife or scissors) to release the seat belt.
Safety Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-15

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