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Your washing machine could fail to work. Before calling for Assistance (see page 36), make sure the problem
can't easily be solved by consulting the following list.
The washing machine won't
The wash cycle won't start.
The washing machine fails to
load water.
The washing machine
continuously loads and unloads
The washing machine does not
drain or spin.
The washing machine vibrates
too much during the spin cycle.
The washing machine leaks.
flashes rapidly at the same
time as at least one other LED.
There is too much foam.
Possible causes/Solution:
The appliance is not plugged into the socket, or not enough to
make contact.
There has been a power failure.
The appliance door is not shut properly.
button has not been pressed.
The START/RESET button has not been pressed.
The water tap is not turned on.
The water inlet hose is not connected to the tap.
The hose is bent.
The water tap is not turned on.
There is a water shortage.
The water pressure is insufficient.
The START/RESET button has not been pressed.
The drain hose is not fitted between 65 and 100 cm from the floor
(see page 27).
The free end of the hose is underwater (see page 27).
The wall drainage system doesn't have a breather pipe.
If the problem persists even after these checks, turn off the water tap,
switch the appliance off and call for Assistance. If the dwelling is on one
of the upper floors of a building, there may be drain trap problems
causing the washing machine to load and unload water continuously. In
order to avoid such an inconvenience, special anti-drain trap valves are
available in shops.
The programme does not foresee the draining: some programmes
require enabling the draining manually (see page 30).
The Easy iron option is enabled: to complete the programme, press
the START/RESET button (see page 31).
The drain hose is bent (see page 27).
The drain duct is clogged.
The drum was not unblocked correctly during installation (see page 26).
The washing machine is not level (see page 26).
The washing machine is closed in between furniture cabinets and
the wall (see page 26).
The water inlet hose is not screwed on correctly (see page 26).
The detergent dispenser is obstructed (to clean it, see page 34).
The drain hose is not secured properly (see page 27).
Switch off the machine and unplug the appliance; wait for
approximately 1 minute then switch it on again.
If the problem persists, contact Assistance.
The detergent is not suitable for machine washing (it should bear the
definition "for washing machines" or "hand and machine wash", or the like).
You used too much detergent.

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Indesit WIAL143 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 36 pagina's

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