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3 | iLuv
iLuv | 4
i730 | V10M10_IM_EN_03282008
Pairing Mode
1. Press and hold CALL/Bluetooth button for approximately six (6) seconds.
2. The Bluetooth symbol on i730 LCD will flash repeatedly and a confirmation “double beep”
will sound.
3. Enter PIN Code: 0000.
Answering a Call
Press the CALL/Bluetooth button to answer an incoming call.
Press the CALL/Bluetooth button to end a call
Note: It can take from 3 to 5 seconds for the music playing to re-start after you end a call.
Rejecting a call
If there is an incoming call, press the END button to reject it.
Microphone muting
While talking, press the MUTE button to mute the microphone, the other party will not
hear you speaking. Press the MUTE button again to release the mute.
Call transferring
While talking, press and hold the CALL/Bluetooth button for three (3) seconds to transfer
the call from the i730 to your Bluetooth mobile phone.
Voice Dialing
Press the CALL/Bluetooth button when there is no incoming call or call in progress in
order to dial.
Note: You can only dial a call using voice dialing if your Bluetooth mobile phone supports
voice dialing.
FM Transmitter Mode
1. The i730 is always powered ON when it is connected to a power source and your iPod
is securely in the dock..
2. To search the dial for available frequencies, press the VOLUME -/TUNING DOWN or
3. Press and hold the VOLUME -/TUNING DOWN or VOLUME +/TUNING UP buttons
for quick seek.
Note: Default frequency is 91.1MHz
Frequency Preset
1. Press the VOLUME-/TUNING DOWN and VOLUME +/TUNING UP buttons to select a
desired frequency.
2. Press and hold the PRESET button for three (3) seconds to save the selected
frequency, the “ch 1” channel number will display on LCD.
3. Follow above 1-2 steps to save other frequencies on the memory, total 10 frequencies
can be saved.
Preset frequency erasing
1. Press the PRESET button to select the frequency you want to erase.
2. Press and hold the PRESET button for three (3) seconds until the channel number
disappears; the saved frequency will be erased.
Using the preset frequency
• Repeatedly press the PRESET button to select the frequency you want to use, the
channel number and frequency will display on LCD.

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De handleiding is 0,18 mb groot.


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