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7. POWER SOURCES - The appliance should be connected to a power supply only of the type described in the operating instructions or as marked on
the appliance.
8. CLEANING - The appliance should be cleaned with a dry cloth.
9. OBJECT and LIQUID ENTRY - Care should be taken so that objects do not fall and liquids are not spilled into the device’s openings.
10. CARTS AND STANDS - The appliance should be used only with a cart or stand that is recommended by the manufacturer. An
appliance and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the
appliance and cart combination to overturn
11. DAMAGE REQUIRING SERVICE - The appliance should be serviced by qualified service professional when:
a. The power-supply cord or plug has been damaged.
b. Objects have fallen into, or liquid has been spilled into the appliance’s apertures.
c. The appliance has been exposed to rain.
d. The appliance has been dropped and suffered damage.
e. The appliance does not appear to operate normally, or exhibits a change in performance.
12. SERVICING - The user should not attempt to service the appliance beyond that described in the user's operating instructions. All other servicing should
be referred to qualified service professional.
13. BATTERY USAGE – To prevent battery leakage, which may result in bodily injury, property damage or damage to the unit, follow these instructions:
a. Install all batteries correctly according to the polarity (+ -) as marked on the unit.
b. Do not mix old and new batteries, carbon and alkaline, etc.
c. Remove batteries from the unit when the device will not be used for an extended period of time.
14. LEAD AND MERCURY - This product may contain lead and/or mercury. Disposal of these materials may be regulated by your local authorities due to
environmental considerations. For more detailed disposal or recycling information, please contact your local authorities or the EIA (Electronic Industries
Alliance) – http://www.eiae.org

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