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This manual contains important information regarding
safety, the use and maintenance of your new hob. Read the
manual carefully and keep it in an easily accessible place for
future consultation.
Precautions and Advice
1. CAUTION: This cooktop complies with all
applicable safety and electromagnetic
compatibility legislation.
However, individuals fitted with a heart pacemaker
should maintain a safe distance from the appliance.
This is because it is not possible to guarantee that all
pacemakers on the market comply with the standards
in compliance with which this appliance was tested so
it is not possible to provide an absolute guarantee of
the absence of potentially harmful interference.
Disposal of packaging materials: The various parts of
the packing must not be sent for waste, but recycled in
conformity with the regulations imposed by local
This induction hob is designed solely for use as a
domestic appliance. No other type of use is permitted.
The manufacturer declines all responsibility for
inappropriate use.
The appliance is not intended for use by persons
(children included) with physical, sensory or mental
impairment or without experience and knowledge of
the appliance, unless supervised or previously instructed
in its use by those responsible for their safety.
The cooking zones become extremely hot during use:
be careful and keep children away from the appliance
to avoid the risk of scalding or burns.
letter “H”
will appear on the control
panel display to indicate “residual heat” in the
corresponding cooking zone: the temperature
of the cooking zone is above 60 °C: do not
touch the cooking zone or
place any object on it while the letter “H” remains lit.
If the surface of the hob
should become damaged
(cracked or broken glass), do not use the appliance
and call the After-sales Service immediately.
Any repairs or work on the appliance must be carried
out by a qualified technician.
This hob is equipped with a
prevent the risk of its internal circuits being damaged
by high temperatures from external heat sources
(e.g. an undercounter oven). If the temperature of the
electronic circuits exceeds the safety threshold,
the thermoprotector activates, automatically
switching off the hob. The display shows an error
message (see section “Troubleshooting Guide”).
When the temperature returns to within normal levels
the hob is able to be switched on again.
Make sure the cooking zones and the bottoms of pots
are dry before use.
Do not place
metal objects
such as kitchen utensils
(knives, forks, spoons, etc.), lids or other similar items
on the cooking zones as they can become very hot.
Be extremely vigilant when cooking food with boiling
oil or fat
since these can catch fire. If the oil catches
fire, never attempt to put it out with water: switch
the hob off and cover the pot immediately with a lid;
leave the pot on the cooking zone to cool down.
Dispose of the oil in compliance with current
When you finish cooking, press button .
Before use
: The induction cooking zones
will not switch on if pots and pans are not
of the correct dimensions.
Only use pots bearing the symbol
Before switching the hob on, position the pot on the
desired cooking zone.
Existing pots and pans:
Use a magnet to check whether pots or pans are suitable
for use on the induction hob: pots are unsuitable if they
cannot be magnetically detected.
Ensure pots have a smooth bottom, otherwise
they may scratch the hob's glass ceramic surface.
Check dishes.
Do not use empty pots on the hob, especially
enamelled or aluminium ones. This could result in
damage to both the glass ceramic surface and the
bottom of the pots.
Never place hot pots or pans on the hob's control
panel. This could result in damage.
Recommended diameters of pot bottoms
26 cm
17 cm 26 cm
21 cm
14 cm 21 cm
18 cm
14.5 cm
12 cm 18 cm
9 cm 14.5 cm
61901363GB.fm Page 11 Tuesday, January 1, 2002 3:20 AM

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