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Important: Disconnect the oven from the mains
before carrying out any installation work or
Installation must be carried out by a qualified
technician in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and in compliance with local
Unpack the oven and make sure that the
appliance has not been damaged during transport
and that the oven door closes properly.
If you
are not sure contact the dealer or the
nearest service centre.
After removing the oven from its packaging,
leave it on the polystyrene base to prevent it
from being damaged.
When installing the oven it is advisable to wear
protective gloves.
Do not lift the oven by the door handle. Get hold
of it using the side openings provided.
Preparing the housing unit
Built-under oven
Kitchen units in contact with the oven must be
heat resistant (80 °C min).
Cut the kitchen unit and worktop to fit before
installing the appliances. Carefully remove any
shavings or sawdust that could prevent the
appliances from running properly.
The dimensions of the oven and unit are shown
in figures 1-2-3.
To allow for proper ventilation, an opening
should be left at the bottom of the housing unit.
Pay attention to the dimensions in Fig. 3.
Leave a minimum clearance of 5 mm between
the upper edge of the oven and the lower edge
of the worktop.
This clearance must never be
obstructed (Fig.2).
Make sure that the sides of the oven do not touch
the adjacent units.
If the kitchen unit is not securely fixed to the wall,
it must be anchored with standard brackets (G)
available on the market, see Fig. 3.
to install the cooktop on surfaces other
than wood (e.g. plastic, ceramic, marble, stone,
etc.) remember to ask After Sales Service for the
fixing plates (Fig. 6-8).
The cooktop must be fitted in a worktop with a
minimum thickness of 20 mm and a maximum of
50 mm.
There must be nothing between the cooktop and
the oven (e.g. cables, insulating material, etc.).
An adjacent column unit must be installed at least
100 mm from the edge of the cooktop (Fig. 4).
Cut an opening in the worktop of the dimensions
given in the Product Description Sheet supplied
with the worktop.
We recommend you seal the internal edges of
the worktop with wood glue or silicone.
If not already in place, apply the supplied seal to
the cooktop, after cleaning the adhesive surface
Conventional electric cooktop
Important: remove any protective film before
installing the cooktop.
If the worktop is made of wood, use the
spring clips and screws provided.
Insert the 4 spring clips (B) (Fig. 5) in their
guides on the bottom of the cooktop.
Fit the cooktop into the worktop.
If the worktop is made of marble or other
material (e.g. plastic, ceramic, marble, stone,
, the cooktop must be secured with special
brackets (C) (Fig. 6), Code 4819 310 18528,
available from After Sales Service.
Fasten the brackets into the holes with the
screws provided.
Fit the cooktop into the worktop.
Glass-ceramic cooktop
Important: Remove any protective film before
installing the cooktop.
Make sure that that the opening in the worktop for
the cooktop is cut according to the dimensions
given in the drawing on the Product Description
Sheet. Pay attention to the tolerance range.
10200157aGB.fm Page 3 Monday, September 5, 2005 3:53 PM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ignis AKS 101

Ignis AKS 101 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Ignis AKS 101 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Ignis AKS 101 Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Ignis AKS 101 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Ignis AKS 101 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Ignis AKS 101 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 8 pagina's

Ignis AKS 101 Installatiehandleiding - Français - 4 pagina's

Ignis AKS 101 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 8 pagina's

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