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Part No. 1XXXXX R0300A Printed in USA © 2000 ICON Health & Fitness, Inc.
Heart Rate Monitor Users Guide
How to Install the Receiver
Limited Warranty
Model No.
TOR (“product”) is warranted to be free of all defects
in material and workmanship.
WHO IS COVERED—The original purchaser or any
person receiving the product as a gift from the origi-
nal purchaser.
Fitness, Inc. (“ICON”), warrants the product for one
year after the date of purchase.
FECTS—We will ship to you, without charge, any re-
placement part or component, or, at our option, we
will replace the product.
WHAT IS NOT COVERED—Any failures or damage
caused by unauthorized service, misuse, accident,
negligence, improper assembly or installation, altera-
tions, modifications without our written authorization
or by failure on your part to use, operate, and main-
tain as set out in this manual (“manual”). This war-
ranty does not extend to products used for commer-
cial or rental purposes or to products used as store
display models.
WHAT YOU MUST DO—Always retain proof of
purchase, such as your bill of sale; store, operate,
and maintain the product as specified in the manual;
notify our Customer Service Department of any de-
fect within 10 days after discovery of the defect; as
instructed, return any defected part for replacement
or, if necessary, the entire product, for repair.
READ THIS MANUAL before using the product.
Remember to follow the instructions specified in this
manual to assure proper operation and your conti-
nued satisfaction.
our Customer Service Department at 1-800-999-
3756 and tell them your name and address and the
model number of your product. They will tell you how
to get a part replaced, or advise you how to ship the
product for service. Before shipping, always obtain a
Return Authorization Number (RA No.) from our
Customer Service Department; securely pack your
product (save the original shipping carton if possible);
put the RA No. on the outside of the carton and in-
sure the product. Include a letter explaining the pro-
blem and a copy of your proof of purchase if you be-
lieve the service is covered by warranty.
ICON is not responsible or liable for indirect, special
or consequential damages arising out of or in
connection with the use or performance of the pro-
duct or damages with respect to any economic loss,
loss of property, loss of revenues or profits, loss of
enjoyment or use, costs of removal, installation or
other consequential damages of whatsoever nature.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation
of incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly,
the above limitation may not apply to you.
The warranty extended hereunder is in lieu of any and
all other warranties and any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose is li-
mited in its scope and duration to the terms set forth
herein. Some states do not allow limitations on how
long an implied warranty lasts. Accordingly, the above
limitation may not apply to you. No one is authorized
to change, modify or extend the terms of this limited
warranty. This warranty gives you specific legal rights
and you may have other rights which vary from state
to state.
ICON Health & Fitness, Inc.
1500 S. 1000 W., Logan, UT 84321
Congratulations for purchasing the new
AccuRate™ heart rate monitor, designed for
accuracy, comfort, and durability. To install
and use the heart rate monitor, follow the in-
structions in this user’s guide. For additional
information about using the heart rate moni-
tor with your treadmill, refer to your treadmill
user’s manual.
If you have questions about the heart rate
monitor, call toll-free 1-800-999-3756,
Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Mountain Time (excluding holidays).
If you have an implanted medical device such as a pa-
cemaker, check with your physician before using the
heart rate monitor.
If you have heart problems, or if you are over 60 years
of age and have been inactive, do not use pulse-driven
If you are taking medication regularly, consult your phy-
sician to find whether the medication will affect your
exercise heart rate.
If the handrails on your treadmill look exactly like the handrails shown at the right,
it is not necessary to install the included receiver. If your treadmill has round or
square handrails, the receiver must be installed before the heart rate monitor can
be used. If your treadmill has
handrails, follow steps 1 through 5 below;
if your treadmill has
handrails, follow steps A through E on page 2.
Using a small flat-
bladed screwdriver,
pry the endcap out of the
left handrail. Save the
Narrow Tab
Wide Tab
Hold the endcap in
the position shown.
Hold the receiver so the
wires are on the indica-
ted end. Insert the recei-
ver into the endcap as far
as possible. The receiver
must be on top of the
wide tabs.
Press the endcap
into the handrail.
Rotate the endcap so
the receiver is facing
upward as shown.
Find the wire
harness inside the
handrail. Cut the plastic
tie and the foam pad off
the wire harness.
Insert a finger into
the handrail to hold
the wire harness. Con-
nect the receiver to the
wire harness. Peel the
paper off the back of the

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