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•BP-275 Li-ion b at t e r y p a c k
Battery pack Voltage Capacity Battery life*
BP-275 7.4 V
1500 mAh (min.)
1590 mAh (typ.)
8 hrs.
The operating periods are calculated under the following
TX : RX : Standby = 5 : 5 : 90
r e g u l a r c h a r g e r + BC-147S a c a d a p t e r
Used for regular charging of battery pack.
(Charging time: approximately 9 hours)
r a p i d c h a r g e r + BC-123S a c a d a p t e r
For rapid charging of battery pack.
(Charging time: approximately 2.5 hours)
r a p i d c h a r g e r + BC-157S a c a d a p t e r
For rapid charging of 6 battery packs.
(Charging time: approximately 2.5 hours)
d c p o w e r c a b l e
For charging of the battery packs using a 12 V DC power source
instead of the AC adapter.
(OPC-515L for BC-204 and BC-205 : OPC-656 for BC-197)
•HM-167 s p e a k e r m i c r o p h o n e
Full sized waterproof speaker-microphone including alligator type
clip to attach to your shirt or collar.
Approved Icom optional equipment is designed for optimal perfor-
mance when used with an Icom transceiver. Icom is not responsible
for the destruction or damage to an Icom transceiver in the event
the Icom transceiver is used with equipment that is not manufac-
tured or approved by Icom.
a n t e n n a
•MB-109 b e l t c l i p
•MB-96F l e at h e r b e lt h a n g e r
•CP-23L/CP-25 c i g a r e t t e l i g h t e r c a b l e
For charging with the BC-204 or BC-205 charger through a 12 V
cigarette lighter socket.
(CP-25 for BC-204 : CP-23L for BC-205)
The CP-23L is equipped with a 4 A fuse and the CP-25 with a
1 A fuse. If the fuses blow, replace them with new rated fuses.
DO NOT use fuses with amp ratings other than the ratings writ-
ten above.
CP-23L: (4 A /125 V)
CP-25 : (1 A /250 V)

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