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Scheduled Maintenance Normal Usage Severe Usage*
Engine Oil and Filter Replace 7,500 or 12 mos. Replace 3,750 or 6 mos.
Fuel Additive *1 Add 7,500 or 12 mos. Add Same As Normal
Tire Rotation Perform 7,500 Perform 7,500
Air Cleaner Filter
Same As Normal
More Frequently
Battery Condition Inspect 7,500 Inspect Same As Normal
Vacuum Hose Inspect 7,500 Inspect Same As Normal
Climate Control Air Filter
(For A/C and Heater unit)
Replace 15,000 Replace More Frequently
Air Conditioning Refrigerant Inspect 15,000 Inspect Same As Normal
Brake Hoses & Lines Inspect 15,000 Inspect Same As Normal
Front Brake Disc
Calipers Inspect 15,000 Inspect More Frequently
Rear Brake Disc /Pads Inspect 15,000 Inspect More Frequently
Drive Shafts & Boots Inspect 15,000 Inspect More Frequently
Exhaust Pipe & Mufer Inspect 15,000 Inspect Same As Normal
Fuel Tank Air Filter Inspect 30,000 Inspect Same As Normal
Steering Gear Box, Linkage & Boots/
Upper & Lower Arm Ball Joints
Inspect 15,000 Inspect 7,500 or 6 mos.
Suspension Mounting Bolts Inspect 15,000 Inspect Same As Normal
Brake / Clutch Fluid Inspect 30,000 Inspect Same As Normal
Fuel Lines, Fuel Hoses and Connections Inspect 30,000 Inspect Same As Normal
Parking Brake Inspect 30,000 Inspect More Frequently
Spark Plugs (Iridium Coated) Replace 105,000 Replace More Frequently
Vapor Hose & Fuel Filler Cap Inspect 30,000 Inspect Same As Normal
Automatic Transaxle Fluid No check, No service required Replace 60,000
Manual Transaxle Fluid Inspect 37,500 Replace 75,000
Fuel Filter Inspect 30,000 Replace More Frequently
Valve Clearance Inspect 60,000 Inspect Same As Normal
1st Replace 120,000 or 120 mos.
Add’l Replace 30,000 or 24 mos.
Replace Same As Normal
Drive Belt
1st Inspect 60,000 or 72 mos.
Inspect 15,000 or 24 mos.
Inspect Same As Normal
*1 If TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline is not available, one bottle of additive is recommended. Additives are available
from your authorized Hyundai dearler along with information on how to use them. Do not mix other additives.
*See Owner’s Manual for details.
Looking for more detailed information? This Quick Reference Guide does not replace your vehicle’s Owner’s
Manual. If you require additional information or are unsure of a specific issue, you should always refer to the
vehicle’s Owner’s Manual or contact your authorized Hyundai dealer.
The information contained in this Quick Reference Guide was correct at the time of printing; however,
specifications and equipment can change without notice. No warranty or guarantee is being extended in this
Quick Reference Guide, and Hyundai reserves the right to change product specifications and equipment at any
time without incurring obligations. Some vehicles are shown with optional equipment. Specifications apply to
U.S. vehicles only. Please contact your Hyundai dealer for current vehicle specifications.
(REV 11/04/13)
Printed 11/07/13
Roadside Assistance: 1-800-243-7766
Consumer Affairs: 1-800-633-5151
Radio: 1-800-967-2346
Quick Reference Guide
(TPMS) – page 22
Explain TPMS function to customer.
- When illuminated, one or more
tires are under-inflated.
- Blinks for approximately one minute
then remains illuminated when there
is a malfunction with the TPMS.
- With Radio Off
VEHICLE SETTINGS – pages 10-11
- Demonstrate vehicle settings
in instrument cluster
- Show radio presets
BLUETOOTH – page 18
- Demonstrate phone pairing
Refer to www.hyundaiusa.com/bluetooth
- Demonstrate QR code
1. Press and hold the SETUP button
until the clock blinks.
2. Rotate the TUNE knob to adjust.
3. Press TUNE knob
when done.
CLIMATE CONTROL – pages 12-13
- Explain the different air modes to customer.

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Hyundai Accent 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 406 pagina's

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