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Drilling machines hU 32 sUper Vario - hU 40 sUperVario
1. general safeTy rUles for all machines
N.B.: Read the instructions carefully in order to avoid any problems.
As with all machinery there are certain hazards involved with operation and use of this machine. Using the machine
with respect and caution will considerably lessen the possibility op personal injury. However, if normal safety
precautions are overlooked or ignored, personal injury to the operator may occur. Observe these rules insofar as they
are applicable to this particular machine.
This machine was designed for certain applications only. We strongly recommend that this machine NOT be
modified in any way and/or used for any application other than for which it was designed.
If you have any questions relative to its application DO NOT use the machine until you have contacted your dealer.
1. For your own safety read the instruction manual before operating the tool.
2. Keep all guards in place and in working order.
3. Ground all tools.
4. Remove adjusting keys and wrenches. Make a habit of checking the machine before turning it on.
5. Keep the work area clean. Cluttered areas and benches invite accidents.
6. Do not use in a dangerous environment, such as damp or wet locations or expose to rain. Always keep the work
area well-lit.
7. Keep children and visitors away. They must be kept at a safe distance from the machine at all times.
8. Make sure that the work area is not accessible to unauthorised persons. Use padlocks, master switches, remove
starter keys etc.
9. Never overload the machine. The capacity of the machine is at its largest when properly loaded.
10. Do not force the machine or attachment to do a job for which it was not designed.
11. Wear proper apparel. No loose clothing, gloves, neckties, rings, necklaces, bracelets or jewellery: they may get
caught in moving parts. No slip footwear is recommended. Wear a hairnet to contain long hair.
12. Always wear safety glasses and work according to safety regulations. Use a face or dust mask if operation is
13. Always secure workpiece tightly using a vise or clamping device. This will keep both hands free to operate the
14. Do not overreach. Keep your proper footing and balance at all times.
15. Maintain tools in top condition. Keep them sharp and clean. Read the instructions carefully and follow the
instructions for cleaning, lubrication and tool replacement.
16. Lubricate the machine and fill all oil reservoirs before operation.
17. Disconnect tools before servicing and when changing accessories such as blades, bits, cutters etc.
18. Use only recommended accessories. Consult the owners manual for recommended accessories. The use of
improper accessories may cause hazards.
19. Avoid accidental starting. Make sure the on/off switch is in the “OFF position before plugging in the power cord.
20. Never stand on the machine or tools. Serious injury could occur if the machine is tipped or if the cutting tool is
accidentally touched.
21. Check damaged parts. Replace or repair damaged parts immediately. Check machine for alignment of moving
parts, binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, mounting and any other conditions that may affect its
22. Direction of feed. Feed work into a blade or cutter against the direction of rotation of the blade or cutter only.
23. Never leave tool running unattended. Do not turn power off until it has come to a complete stop.
24. Alcohol, medication, drugs. Never us the machine while under the influence of alcohol, medication or drugs.
25. Make sure the tool is disconnected from the power supply, before servicing, repairing etc.
26. Keep the original packing for future transport or relocation of the machine.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Huvema HU 32 SUPER VARIO

Huvema HU 32 SUPER VARIO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Huvema HU 32 SUPER VARIO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

Huvema HU 32 SUPER VARIO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 24 pagina's

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