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To Level Mower
Make sure tires are properly inflated to the PSI shown on
tires. If tires are over or under inflated, it may affect the ap-
pearance of your lawn and lead you to think the mower is
not adjusted properly.
1. With all tires properly inflated and if your lawn appears un-
evenly cut, determine which side of mower is cutting lower.
2. With a 3/4" or adjustable wrench, turn lift link adjustment
nut (A) to the left to lower the mower, or, to the right to
raise the mower (Fig. 1).
NOTE: Each full turn of adjustment nut will change mower
height about 3/16".
3. Test your adjustment by mowing some uncut grass and
visually checking the appearance. Readjust, if necessary,
until you are satisfied with the results.
1. With all tires properly inflated, park tractor on level ground
or driveway.
CAUTION: Blade is sharp. Protect your hands with gloves
and/or wrap blade with heavy cloth.
2. Raise mower to its highest position.
3. At both sides of mower, position blade at side and measure
the distance (A) from bottom edge of blade to the ground.
The distance should be the same on both sides (Fig. 2).
4. If adjustment is necessary, see step 2 in Visual Adjust-
ment instructions above.
5. Recheck measurements, adjust if necessary until both
sides are equal.
IMPORTANT: Deck must be level side-to-side.
To obtain the best cutting re sults, the mower blades should
be adjusted so the front tip is 1/8" to 3/8" lower than the rear
tip when the mower is in its highest position.
CAUTION: Blade is sharp. Protect your hands with gloves
and/or wrap blade with heavy cloth.
Raise mower to highest position.
Position blade so the tip is pointing straight forward.
Measure distance (B) to the ground at front and rear tip
of the blade (Fig. 3).
If front tip of blade is not 1/8" to 3/8" lower than the rear
tip, go to the front of tractor.
With an 11/16" or adjustable wrench, loosen jam nut A
several turns to clear adjustment nut B.
With a 3/4" or adjustable wrench, turn front link adjustment
nut (B) clockwise (ltighten) to raise the front of mower, or,
counterclockwise (loosen) to lower the front mower (Fig. 4).
NOTE: Each full turn of the adjustment nut will change mower
height about 1/8".
Recheck measurements, adjust if necessary until front
tip of blade is 1/8" to 3/8" lower than the rear tip.
Hold adjustment nut in position with wrench and tighten
jam nut securely against adjustment nut.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 4

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