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ARNING! Incorrect or careless use of
a hedge trimmer can turn it into a
dangerous tool that can cause serious
or even fatal injury. It is extremely
important that you read and
understand the contents of this
operator's manual.
Please read the operator’s manual
carefully and make sure you
understand the instructions before
using the machine.
Always wear:
A protective helmet where there is
a risk of falling objects
Approved hearing protection
Approved eye protection
This product is in accordance with
applicable EC directives.
Cutting tool. Do not touch the tool
without first switching off the
This machine is not electrically
insulated. If the machine
touches or comes close to high-
voltage power lines it could lead
to death or serious bodily injury.
Electricity can jump from one
point to another by arcing. The
higher the voltage, the greater
the distance electricity can
jump. Electricity can also travel
through branches and other
objects, especially if they are
wet. Always keep a distance of at least 10 m between the
machine and high-voltage power lines and/or any objects
that are touching them. If have to work within this safe
distance you should always contact the relevant power
company to make sure the power is switched off before
you start work.
This machine can be dangerous! The operator of the
machine must ensure, while working, that no persons or
animals come closer than 15 meters.
Arrows which show limits for handle
Always wear approved protective
Wear sturdy, non-slip boots or shoes.
Choke control
Primer bulb
Noise emission to the environment
according to the European
Community’s Directive. The
machine’s emission is specified in
the Technical data chapter and on the
Other symbols/decals on the
machine refer to special
certification requirements for certain markets.
The engine is s
witched off by moving
the stop switch to the stop position.
CAUTION! The stop switch
automatically returns to the start
position. In order to prevent
unintentional starting, the spark plug
cap must be removed from the spark plug when
assembling, checking and/or performing maintenance.
Always wear approved protective
Regular cleaning is required.
Visual check.
Protective goggles or a visor must be

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Andere handleiding(en) van Husqvarna 325HE4

Husqvarna 325HE4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 68 pagina's

Husqvarna 325HE4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

Husqvarna 325HE4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 68 pagina's

Husqvarna 325HE4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

Husqvarna 325HE4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 68 pagina's

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