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22 – English
1154580-38 Rev.1 2011-12-05
saw chain and be thrown towards you. Even if this
does not need to be a danger, you may be surprised
and lose control of the saw. Never saw stacked logs or
branches without first separating them. Only saw one
log or one piece at a time. Remove the cut pieces to
keep your working area safe.
4 Never use the chain saw above shoulder height
and try not to cut with the tip of the bar. Never use
the chain saw one-handed!
5 You must have a steady stance in order to have full
control over the chain saw. Never work standing on a
ladder, in a tree or where you do not have firm ground
to stand on.
6 Always use a fast cutting speed, i.e. full throttle.
7 Take great care when you cut with the top edge of the
, i.e. when cutting from the underside of the object.
This is known as cutting on the push stroke. The chain
tries to push the chain saw back towards the user. If
the saw chain is jamming, the saw may be pushed
back at you.
8 Unless the user resists this pushing force there is a
risk that the chain saw will move so far backwards that
only the kickback zone of the bar is in contact with the
tree, which will lead to a kickback.
Cutting with the bottom edge of the bar, i.e. from the
top of the object downwards, is known as cutting on
the pull stroke. In this case the chain saw pulls itself
towards the tree and the front edge of the chain saw
body rests naturally on the trunk when cutting. Cutting
on the pull stroke gives the operator better control over
the chain saw and the position of the kickback zone.
9 Follow the instructions on sharpening and maintaining
your bar and chain. When you replace the bar and
chain use only combinations that are recommended
by us. See instructions under the headings Cutting
equipment and Technical data.
Basic cutting technique
Always use full throttle when cutting!
Reduce the speed to idle after every cut (running the
engine f
or too long at full throttle without any load, i.e.
without any resistance from the chain during cutting,
can lead to serious engine damage).
Cutting from above = Cutting on the pull stroke.
Cutting from below = Cutting on the push stroke.
Cutting on the push stroke increases the risk of kickback.
See instructions under the heading How to avoid
Cutting = General term for cutting through wood.
Limbing = Cutting branches off a felled tree.
Splitting = When the object you are cutting breaks off
ore the cut is complete.
There are five important factors you should consider
before making a cut:
1 Make sure the cutting equipment will not jam in the
2 Make sure the object you are cutting will not split. (58)
3 Make sure the chain will not strike the ground or any
other object during or after cutting.
4 Is there a risk of kickback? (4)
5 Do the conditions and surrounding terrain affect how
safely you can stand and move about?
Two factors decide whether the chain will jam or the object
that y
ou are cutting will split: the first is how the object is
supported before and after cutting, and the second is
whether it is in tension.
In most cases you can avoid these problems by cutting in
o stages; from the top and from the bottom. You need to
support the object so that it will not trap the chain or split
during cutting.
The following instructions describe how to handle the
commonest situations y
ou are likely to encounter when
using a chain saw.
When limbing thick branches you should use the same
approach as for cutting.
Cut difficult branches piece by piece. (61)
If you have a pile of logs, each log you attempt to cut
should be removed from the pile, placed on a saw horse
or runners and cut individually.
Remove the cut pieces from the cutting area. By leaving
them in the cutting area, y
ou increase the risk for
inadvertently getting a kickback, as well as increasing the
risk of losing your balance while working.
WARNING! Never use a chain saw by
holding it with one hand. A chain saw is
not safely controlled with one hand.
Always have a secure, firm grip around
the handles with both hands.
IMPORTANT! If the chain jams in the cut: stop the
engine! Don’t try to pull the chain saw free. If you do you
may be injured by the chain when the chain saw
suddenly breaks free. Use a lever to open up the cut and
free the chain saw.
WARNING! Never attempt to cut logs
while they are in a pile or when a couple
of logs are lying together. Such
procedures drastically increase the risk
of kickback which can result in a serious
or fatal injury.

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    • Starten van de motor doe je met de handel naar achter... dus niet geblokkeerd!.
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