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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. reserves the right to change or
modify any information or specifications contained in this manual
without prior notice and without any liability.
Third-Party Software Statement
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. does not own the intellectual property
of the third-party software and applications that are delivered with this
product. Therefore, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. will not provide
any warranty of any kind for these third-party software and
applications. Neither will Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. provide
support to customers who use these third-party software and
applications, nor be responsible or liable for the functions of these
third-party software and applications.
Third-party software and applications services may be interrupted or
terminated at any time. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. does not
guarantee that any content or service would be maintained for any
period during its availability. Third-party service providers provide
content and services through network or transmission tools outside
of the control of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. To the greatest
extent permitted by applicable law, it is explicitly stated that Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd. shall not compensate or be liable for services
provided by third-party service providers, or the interruption or
termination of third-party contents or services.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. shall not be responsible for the
legality, quality, or any other aspects of any software installed on this
product, or for any uploaded or downloaded third-party works, such
as texts, images, videos, or software. Customers shall bear the risk
for any and all effects, including incompatibility between the software
and this product, which result from installing software or uploading or
downloading the third-party works.
This product uses the open-source Android™ platform. Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd. has made necessary changes to the
platform. Therefore, this product may not support all the functions
that are supported by the standard Android platform or may be
incompatible with third-party software. Huawei Technologies Co.,
Ltd. shall not be liable for any of such situation.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Huawei Ascend Y101

Huawei Ascend Y101 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 80 pagina's

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