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Retention of this Instruction Book...
This Instruction Book must be kept handy for reference as it contains important details on the
safe and proper use of the appliance.
If you sell or pass the appliance to someone else,or move house and leave it behind,make sure
this Book is also provided so the new owner can become familiar with the appliance and safety
Recycling & Disposal Information...
As part of Hotpoints continued commitment to helping the environment,Hotpoint reserves the
right to use quality recycled components to keep down customer costs and minimise material
Please dispose of packaging and old appliances carefully.
To minimise risk of injury to children,remove the door,plug and cut mains cable
off flush with the appliance,dispose of separately to ensure that the appliance can
no longer be plugged into a mains socket.
Electricity Supply / Safety Information...............3
Choose a Location......................................................4
Adjust the Feet............................................................4
Connect to a Drainage System..............................5
Connect to the Water Supply.................................6
Check List......................................................................6
Getting to Know your Appliance.................7 & 8
Before Using your Appliance:
Adjust the Water Softener.............................9 & 10
Filling the Special Salt Container........................11
Filling the Rinse Aid Container............................12
Detergents........................................................13 & 14
What Can I Wash.......................................................15
Programme Overview............................................16
Loading your Dishwasher...........................17 & 18
Washing Dishes..............................................19 & 20
Care & Maintenance......................................21 & 22
Troubleshooting.............................................23 & 24
Hotpoint After Sales Service................................25
Hotpoint Guarantee................................................26
Key Contacts...............................................Back Page
CE marking certifies that this appliance
conforms to the following EEC directives:
Low Voltage Equipment 72/23/EEC
Electromagnetic Compatibility 89/336/EEC and
subsequent modifications.
FP105-01 DWF35/34/33/30 12/02/2002 10:22 am Page 2

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