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Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for
future reference. If the appliance is sold, given away
or moved, please ensure the manual remains with the
machine so that the new owner may benefit from the
advice contained within it.
Please read this instruction manual carefully it
contains important information regarding the safe
installation, use and maintenance of the appliance.
You will find the guarantee and other details relating to
the installation process in the bag containing this booklet.
Unpacking and levelling
1. Once the washing machine has been removed
from the packaging, check that it has not been
damaged during transportation.
If it has been damaged, contact the retailer and do
not proceed any further with the installation process.
2. Remove the 4 transit
bolts used during
transportation and the
corresponding spacers
on the back of the
machine (see figure).
3. Having removed the 4 bolts use the 4 plastic
blanking plates to cover the 4 holes.
4. Keep all the pieces; if the washing machine is
transported in future, the transit bolts and spacers will
have to be replaced in order to avoid damaging the
inside of the machine.
Packaging materials should not be used as toys by children.
1. Position the washing machine on a level and sturdy
floor, without resting it against walls or cabinets.
2. If the floor is uneven,
the feet of the appliance
may be adjusted until it
reaches a perfectly
horizontal position (the
angle of inclination must
not exceed 2 degrees).
If the appliance is levelled correctly it will be more
stable and much less likely to cause vibrations and
noise during the spin cycle.
If positioned on a fitted carpet or a rug, adjust the
feet in such a way as to allow room for air to circulate
and provide ventilation beneath the washing machine.
Connecting the cold water and
electricity supplies
Connecting the water inlet hose
Before connecting the inlet hose to the cold water supply,
allow the water to flow from the tap until it runs clear.
1. Connect the end of
the water inlet hose to
the washing machine,
screwing it onto the
appliance's cold water
inlet, situated on the top
right-hand side on the
rear of the appliance
(see figure).
2. Place the seal A
(provided in the bag) on
the end of the inlet hose
and screw it to a cold
water tap with a 3/4 gas
threaded connection (see
3. Make sure there are no kinks or bends in the inlet hose.
The water pressure at the tap must fall within the values
indicated in the Technical data table (see next page).
If the water inlet hose is not long enough, contact a
specialist store or an authorised technician.
Always use the new water inlet hoses supplied with
the machine.

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