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Our ideas. Your home.
Instruction booklet
Important Information
You must clean the fluff filter after EVERY drying cycle.
Step 1
Open the door of your dryer
Step 2
Pull out the filter (using the two
finger grips)
Step 3
Open the filter and clean any fluff
deposits from the filter mesh
Step 4
Refit the filter, with the curved
side towards you
Step 5
Make sure the filter is pushed
fully home - NEVER run the dryer
without the filter in position
Failure to clean the filter after EVERY drying cycle will affect
the drying performance of your machine.
It will take longer to dry and as a result will use more
electricity during drying.
At least every two or three months you MUST clean fluff build up around the filter housing and the vent tube.
Check the vent tube and any permanent venting fixture to make sure that there has been no accumulation of fluff or lint.
Remove lint that collects around the filter and the outlet vents.
PRODUCT DATA... (EU Regulation 392/2012)
Rated capacity of Cotton laundry for the standard programme at full load 8 kg Energy efficiency class C
The weighted Annual Energy Consumption (AE
) 584.0 kWh.
Consumption per year, based on 160 drying cycles of the standard cotton programme at full and partial load, and the consumption of
the low-power modes. Actual energy consumption per cycle will depend on how the appliance is used
This household tumble dryer is a Non-Automatic Air-Vented Dryer
Energy consumption: full load E
5.07 kWh, partial load E
2.59 kWh
Power consumption: off-mode (P
) 0.0 W, left-on mode (Pl) N/A
Duration of the ‘left-on mode’ for power management systems - N/A minutes
The ‘standard cotton programme’ suitable for drying normal wet cotton laundry that is the most efficient programme in terms of
energy consumption for cotton used at full and partial load is High Heat
Programme time (minutes) weighted (T
) full & partial load 100, full load (T
) 134, partial load (T
) 74
Airborne acoustical noise emissions 69 dB(A) re 1 pW.
This data is also available on the website http://www.hotpoint.eu/hotpoint
This symbol reminds you to read this booklet.
IN067_TVFM80C.indd 1 03/10/2013 10:04

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