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Connecting the drain hose
Connect the drain
hose to drain duct
piping or a wall drain
located between 65
and 100 cm above
the floor, making sure
it is not bent at all.
Alternatively, rest the
drain hose on the
side of a washbasin
or bathtub, fastening
the duct supplied to
the tap (see figure).
The free end of the
hose should not be
! We advise against the use of hose extensions;
if it is absolutely necessary, the extension must
have the same diameter as the original hose
and must not exceed 150 cm in length.
Electrical connections
Before plugging the appliance into the
electricity socket, make sure that:
• thesocketisearthedandcomplieswithall
applicable laws;
• thesocketisabletowithstandthemaximum
power load of the appliance as indicated in
the Technical data table (see opposite);
• thepowersupplyvoltagefallswithinthe
values indicated in the Technical data table
(see opposite);
• thesocketiscompatiblewiththeplugofthe
appliance. If this is not the case, have the
socket or the plug replaced.
! The machine must not be installed outdoors,
even in covered areas. It is extremely
dangerous to leave the appliance exposed to
rain, storms and other weather conditions.
! The mains socket must remain within
easy reach after the Washer-dryer has been
! Do not use extension cords or multiple
! The cable should not be bent or compressed.
! The power supply cable and plug must only
be replaced by authorised technicians.
Warning! The company shall not be held
responsible in the event that these regulations
are not respected.
65 - 100 cm
Technical data
AQD1171D 69ID
width 59.5 cm
height 85 cm
depth 64.5 cm
from 1 to 11 kg for the wash
from 1 to 7 kg for the drying
please refer to the technical
data plate fixed to the machine
Water con-
maximum pressure
1 MPa (10 bar)
minimum pressure
0.05 MPa (0.5 bar)
drum capacity 71 litres
Spin speed
up to 1600 rotations per
Energy ra-
according to
EN 50229
Wash: programme
; tem-
perature 60°C; using a load
of 11 kg.
Drying: the major load (7kg)
must be dried by selecting
the “EXTRA” dryness level;
the remainder of the load
must be dried by selecting
the “EXTRA” dryness level,
the load must consist of 3
sheets and 7 pillowcases.
This appliance conforms to
the following EC Directives:
- 2004/108/EC (Electroma-
gnetic Compatibility)
- 2006/95/EC (Low Voltage)
- 2012/19/EU (WEEE)

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Hotpoint-Ariston AQD1171D 697ID EU - AQUALTIS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Italiano - 36 pagina's

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