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Before calling the Service Centre:
• Use the troubleshooting guide to see if you can solve
the problem yourself (see Troubleshooting).
• If not, turn off the dryer and call the Service Centre
closest to you.
What to tell the Service Centre:
• Name, address, and post code;
• telephone number;
• the type of problem;
• the date of purchase;
• the appliance model (Mod.);
• the dryer serial number (S/N).
This information can be found on the data label inside the
door of the machine.
Spare Parts
This dryer is a complex machine. Repairing it yourself or having
a nonauthorised person try to repair it could cause harm to one
or more persons and to the machine, and could invalidate the
spare parts warranty.
Call an authorised technician if you experience problems while
using the machine.
This appliance conforms to the following EC directives:
- 2006/95/EC (Low Voltage Directive)
- 2004/108/EC (Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive).
Information on recycling and disposal
As part of our continual commitment towards environmental protection, we reserve the right to use recycled quality components to
reduce costs for our customers and to minimise materials wastage.
Disposing of the packaging materials: follow local regulations to allow for recycling of packaging materials.
In order to minimise the risk of injury to children, remove the door and plug, then cut the power supply cord flush with the applian-
ce. Dispose of these parts separately to prevent the appliance from being connected to a power supply socket.
Disposal of old household appliances
European Directive 2012/19/EC concerning Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) states that household applian-
ces should not be disposed of using the normal solid urban waste cycle. Exhausted appliances should be collected separa-
tely in order to optimise the cost of re-using and recycling materials comprising the machine, while preventing potential
damage to public health and the environment. The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol appears on all products to remind
owners of the obligations regarding separate waste collection.
Owners should contact their local authorities or appliance dealers for further information concerning the correct disposal of household

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