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Locking and unlocking4.2
The door is not locked when closed with the grip handle.
This is done by using the key or locking lever on the lock.
From outside:
Turn the key 360°
To unlock: turn the key left
To lock: turn the key right
From inside:
Slide the locking lever on the lock
To unlock: slide it upwards
To lock: slide it downwards
Cleaning and Care5
Scratches on the panes due to improper cleaning
Rubbing the panes causes scratches.
Dirt and dust particles must first be thoroughly rinsed
off with water. If necessary, only wash with water, a
pH-neutral household detergent and a soft, clean
Clear water is sufficient for cleaning and care. Use
warm water together with a neutral, non-abrasive cleaning
agent (household detergent, pH value 7) if more heavily
soiled. To preserve the surface characteristics, regular
cleaning must be carried out at least every 3 months
(outside of door, seals). The slide area behind the side
seals must be kept permanently clean and able to slide.
A variety of environmental influences (e.g. maritime
climate, acids, road salt, air pollutants, paint damage) may
make additional protective coating necessary (see Paint
treatment on page 10).
6 Inspection and Maintenance
Inspections and maintenance6.1
Danger of injury due to defective safety components
Important safety components may fail or become
defective if not sufficiently inspected and maintained.
Have a qualified person perform inspection and
maintenance work at regular intervals.
The following inspection and maintenance tasks must be
carried out by a specialist in accordance with these
instructions, before initial operation and at least once a
year (or every 6 months if there are more than 50 door
cycles per day).
Inspect all load-bearing components6.1.1
Danger of injury due to high cable tension and high
Cables and springs are under high tension and torques.
Damaged cables or springs may also cause serious
Fix the door leaf to prevent uncontrolled movement
before exchanging damaged cables or springs.
Be particularly careful when exchanging damaged
cables or springs.
Check load carriers (cables, springs, tracks, supports)
and safety devices for breakage and damage,
replacing any damaged components as necessary.
Spring safety device
Check the effectiveness of the detent pawl and the
secure seat of the locking gear (see Fig. 14.3 Spring
safety device).
Weight counterbalance6.1.2
Danger of injury due to uncontrolled door drops
If the counterbalance has not been properly adjusted,
this may result in an uncontrolled door drop, which could
trap persons or objects.
Retension the torsion springs.
High torque
Springs are under high torque stress and may discharge
high forces if they are not secured during tensioning.
Fix the door leaf to prevent uncontrolled movement
before adjusting the torsion spring shaft.
Check the counterbalance of the door leaf
Manually open the door halfway. The door should be
able to hold this position.
If the door moves substantially downwards:
Retension the torsion springs.
Fixing points6.1.3
Check all the fixing points on the door and the building
structure and make sure that all the fastenings are
securely seated and, if necessary, retighten.
Rollers and tracks6.1.4
When the door is closed, the rollers must be easy to turn.
Adjust rollers if necessary. Observe the operator fitting
notes; they contain details on roller adjustment.
Clean tracks, if necessary,
do not grease!
3 048 943 RE / 10.2012

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