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Initial Set up
1. Power up each of the remote sensors as instructed in previous sections.( Remove clear protective plastic slips from
the battery compartments)
2. Then power up the main display.
3. Once the main unit is powered, the display will briefly show all available LCD segments for a moment.
4. IMPORTANT: Do not press any buttons during the set up process which typically takes about 5-10 minutes.
The display functions will be automatically set including local altitude and pressure parameters. The display will show the
pressure icon and “inHg” (inches of Mercury) flashing. You will know that the unit is finished self-adjustment when the
display shows the default settings for the pressure and altitude (sea level) Indoor/outdoor temperature and humidity readings,
remote sensors readings, etc.
Many settings can be changed or customized to your preference, after the display has stabilized
The pressure parameters during Initial Setup (See Pressure and Weather Forecast Window)
The time, the date and the weekday language (Clock and Alarm Window)
The location data (City) will determine the time zone
IMPORTANT: If after the initial setup, the altitude or other parameters are not displayed, or dotted lines are displayed, for
example (- - -) you may have to restart the main unit to reset it..
Note: It is a normal unit operation that history chart is constantly moving on the main unit display
Connecting the Weather Station to a PC
To collect and manipulate data from your weather station you may connect the main unit to the computer via USB cable.
Proceed in the following order:
Make sure all sensors have batteries installed and the main unit is plugged in to the wall power outlet through the
AC/DC adapter provided
Insert the CD-ROM into available drive and install the software following instructions of the installation wizard.
Connect the main unit to the computer USB port using the USB cable provided.
Open installed software package: double-click the icon on the computer desktop
You may customize software screen by selecting the weather parameters to be displayed, units for these weather parameters,
location and other user-definable elements.
When determining data transfer interval from the main unit to your computer consider the time duration for each data point. For
example if you select 5 minutes, each point on the graph will be placed every 5 minutes. If you will select 3 hours, then the graph
trend will take at least 24 hours to show 8 data points.
The software works when main display unit is connected to the PC. If you set data transfer interval to 1 hour, you will need to
connect your main unit display to the PC at least once a week, otherwise your will loose some data.
You can use Print Screen option to create pictures and send them by E-Mail and use them on your website
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