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The SEF8MS is an external, self powered, siren and strobe unit
designed for audible signaling and deterrent action for protected
The SEF8MS external siren activates an audible and visual alarm in
case of intrusion or alert signaled by the control panel. The sounder will
automatically stop after the sounding cycle or as soon as the control
panel clears the alarm.
The SEF8MS is monitored by the control panel to ensure the device
is functioning properly. If a defect is detected, the panel will trigger a
supervision fault.
In Alpha mode the siren will send a tamper signal to the control panel,
if no respond from control panel siren will trigger the sounder and the
strobe. Depending on its confi guration, in armed status the panel will
trigger the sounder and the strobe. When the panel is in disarmed or
programming mode, the tamper signals will be ignored and the siren will
remain silent (This functionalities vary depending on the panel version
and confi guration).
Site the siren:
1. With space around it to permit good radio reception.
2. Out of reach of intruders and vandals.
3. Where it can be seen and heard easily.
4. Vertically on wall, strobe down.
Do NOT site the siren:
1. Close to or on large metal structures, for example: metal doors or
frames, water tanks, cars, fridges and freezers.
2. Close to mains wiring or metal water or gas pipes.
3. Inside metal enclosures.
4. Next to high voltage electrical or electronic equipment, particularly
computers, photocopiers or other radios.
1. Release the main cover fi xing screw protective cover by gently
levering out with a terminal screw driver. Undo the cover retaining
screw far enough to release the main cover. (See fi gure 2.a)
2. Hinge the cover upwards from the bottom and remove it.
3. Fit rear tamper extender (if required) and trim to desired length.
Drill and fi x using top centre fi xing hole in backplate using suitable
screws and wall fi xing plugs. Use integral spirit level to align siren
and secure with two bottom fi xings.
Note: When tightening the two bottom fi xing screws the rear tamper
protection mechanism will compress allowing the two bottom fi xing
posts to fi t ush against the wall (See fi gure 2.b).
4. Once the siren unit is fi xed on the mounting surface, take the
removable tamper activation tab between the thumb and forefi nger
and pull downwards until the tab is free from the siren unit (see
gure 3.c). Discard the tab responsibly.
Note: If the siren is to be moved to a different location, the tamper
activation tab should be refi tted and the above steps repeated to re-
commission the siren.
Registration is the procedure for associating the SEF8MS to the control
panel. Below are listed the main steps of the registration procedure:
2. On the siren, remove the battery compartment cover (See fi gure
3.a) and fi t 8 AA 1.5V Lithium batteries, orientated according to
indications in the battery compartment and fi tted in numerical
order (See fi gure 1 and 3.b). This will cause the siren to turn on and
transmit a registration message to the control panel.
Note: Re-registration can be achieved at any time after the batteries
have been fi tted by closing both cover and rear tamper switches
followed by opening either switch.
4. Insert the battery compartment cover.
5. Fit the cover to the siren by hooking the top of the cover over the top
edge of the backplate, rotating the cover to the fully closed position
and tightening the fi xing screw.
6. Fit screw cover in place.
The siren will issue an early warning to the control panel when the
battery voltage is low.
The siren will continue to self-actuate under tamper conditions for 2
months after the fi rst low battery warning. To replace batteries follow
the procedure described bellow:
1. Place control panel in programming mode prior to opening the siren
(prevent the panel from triggering the sounder during the battery
replacement operation).
2. Remove the cover in accordance with steps 1 and 2 in the mounting
3. Remove the battery compartment cover. Remove the batteries in
reverse numerical order (see fi gure 1).
4. Fit 8 AA 1.5V Lithium batteries, orientated according to indications
in the battery compartment and fi tted in numerical order as
indicated in fi gure 1. The siren will power up and restore its previous
confi guration and registration.
5. Fit the battery compartment cover.
6. Fit the cover to the siren by hooking the top of the cover over the top
edge of the backplate, rotating the cover to the closed position and
tightening the fi xing screw.
7. Fit screw cover in place.
The sounder and strobe should be tested for correct operation on a
periodic basis.
During routine maintenance the correct operation of cover and rear
tampers should be checked. Check for signs of signifi cant water or
insect ingress and clean as necessary. Batteries should be replaced
every four years or when advised by the control unit.
Note: Prolonged exposure to low or high temperatures or high humidity
may reduce battery life. Prolonged periods of alarm will also reduce
battery life.
SEF8MS – Installation Instructions
Wireless External Siren with Strobe

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