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RLV430 69-1855-1 2008-01-29 2/4
2) Mount the thermostat
Push the excess wires back
inside the electrical box.
Secure the thermostat to the
electrical box using the provided
Insert the screws through either
the right or left pair of mounting
holes on the thermostat.
3) Complete the installation
NOTE: If there is a protective film or sticker on the thermostat’s
screen, peel it off.
Apply power to the heating system. Verify the installation by checking
that the heater can be turned On and Off by raising and lowering the
setpoint using the Up and Down buttons.
WARNING: Keep the thermostat's air vents clean and free from
The thermostat normally displays the room (measured) temperature.
To view the set temperature (setpoint), press the Up or Down
button once.
To change the setpoint, press the Up or Down button until the
desired setpoint is displayed.
The factory settings are inside the shaded cells of the following table.
WARNING: The clock loses its setting whenever you change the
thermostat’s configuration.
Temperature display
To change the temperature display between °C and °F:
n Open the thermostat’s door.
o Press and hold the Day button.
p Insert a pointed object (e.g., paperclip) in the reset opening.
Remove it when the thermostat’s screen becomes blank.
q Wait one second and release the Day button.
Time display
To switch between the 12-hour format and the 24-hour format:
n Open the thermostat’s door.
o Press and hold the Hour button.
p Insert a pointed object (e.g., paperclip) in the reset opening.
Remove it when the thermostat’s screen becomes blank.
q Wait one second and release the Hour button.
Control type
Use proportional control (default setting) in most cases as it pro-
vides better temperature control.
Use conventional control if you have a fan-forced heater.
Fan is displayed when conventional control is selected. To switch
between the two types of control:
n Open the thermostat’s door.
o Press and hold the Min button.
p Insert a pointed object (e.g., paperclip) in the reset opening.
Remove it when the thermostat’s screen becomes blank.
q Wait one second and release the Min button.
The clock must be set when Time flashes on the
n Open the thermostat’s door.
o Press the Day button to set the day.
p Use the Hour and Min buttons to set the clock.
q Press the button to exit.
The thermostat has three modes of operation:
Automatic (programmable) mode
To use the Automatic mode, press the Mode button
until Auto is selected (outlined) on the screen. The cur-
rent period number will appear.
In this mode, the thermostat automatically adjust its
temperature setpoint according to the period of the day
(wake up, leave for work, return home and sleep).
You can program up to 4 periods in a day. You can set 2 different
programs: one for the weekdays (Monday to Friday) and another one
for the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).
Temperature Display and Setting
Temperature display °C °F
Time display
24 h 12 h
Temperature control
(15-second cycles)
(± 0.5°C deadband)
Clock and Day Setting
Modes of Operation
400-104-009-C_69-1855-1 (RLV430 Honeywell TH104) ENG.fm Page 2 Tuesday, January 29, 2008 4:20 PM

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