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The following troubleshooting guide addresses the most common problems. If problems persist, call
customer service. Unplug and disconnect the appliance from the power source before attempting to
The air conditioning
unit does not start
Runs a short while
No electricity.
Batteries in the remote control need
to be replaced.
The power cord is not properly
plugged in.
The safety LCDI plug has tripped. (
USA / Canada only)
The thermostat temperature setting
is too close to room temperature.
Air outlet is blocked.
There are tight bends in the air
exhaust hose.
Check for power.
Change remote control batteries.
Remove and reconnect the
power cord.
Reset the safety LCDI plug, if
problem persists contact our
customer support. ( USA /
Canada only)
Lower the set temperature.
Make sure the exhaust hose is
properly connected.
Connect exhaust hose as per
instructions on page 4.
Runs but no cooling A door or window is open.
The air filter is dirty.
The exhaust hose is detached.
Temperature setting is too high.
Air outlet or intake is blocked.
Make sure the window or door
is closed.
Clean the air filter.
Reinstall exhaust hose properly
(refer to Installation section).
Reduce temperature setting on
control panel.
Remove blockage.
Will not run and
water full indicator
light is ON
Excess water condensation inside
the tank.
Drain the water (refer to Water
Condensation Drainage).
Heater is not
switching ON
(This may only be
applicable for
Portable Air
Conditioner models
with built-in Heating
function only).
Heating function not activated yet.
The ambient temperature is too high.
Heating is activated only when the
ambient temperature is below 25°C
Check that the Heating function
has been activated. will be
illuminated when the Heater is
switched ON.
Switch on the Heating function
when the ambient temperature
reaches below 25°C (77°F).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Honeywell MN12CHESWW

Honeywell MN12CHESWW Gebruiksaanwijzing - Alle talen - 272 pagina's

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