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MODEL HWM705 Series
When using electrical appliances, basic precautions
should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire,
electric shock, and injury to people or property,
including the following:
1. The appliance should always be placed on a
firm, flat, waterproof surface at least four feet
(1.22m) away from bedside, twelve inches
(30cm) from the wall and out of reach of
patients, children and pets. Be sure the
appliance is in a stable position and the power
cord is away from heated surfaces and out of
the way to prevent the humidifier from being
tripped over.
2. The appliance should not be left unattended
in a closed room since air could become
saturated and leave condensation on walls and
furniture. Leave room door partly open.
3. Before using the appliance, extend the cord
and inspect for any signs of damage. Do not
use the unit if the cord has been damaged.
4. The appliance has a polarized plug (one blade
is wider than the other) as a safety feature.
This plug will fit into a polarized outlet only one
way. If the plug does not fit fully into the outlet,
reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a
qualified electrician. Do not attempt to defeat
this safety feature.
5. To avoid fire or shock hazard, plug the
appliance directly into a 120V AC electrical
6. The appliance should always be unplugged and
emptied when not in operation or while being
cleaned. Shut off and unplug humidifier before
moving. Do not move or tilt humidifier while it
is in operation. Plug and unplug unit with dry
hands. Never pull by cord.
7. Do not operate the appliance without water.
Turn off and unplug unit when tank is empty
and the reset light is on.
8. Caution: To avoid the risk of fire, shock or
personal injury, do not use an extension cord.
9. Appliance requires regular cleaning. Refer to
and follow cleaning instructions.
10. Do not operate outdoors; this appliance is
intended for indoor use.
11. Do not cover or insert objects into any
openings on the unit.
12. Do not attempt to repair or adjust any
electrical or mechanical functions on this
appliance. Doing so will void your warranty.
13. Do not add any medications (e.g. Kaz Inhalant
or Vicks VapoSteam
) into Mist Outlet, Base,
Water Reservoir or Water Tank.
14. Do not touch the steam vapor. Steam can
cause burns. Do not operate without the
Medicine Cup in place on top of the Mist Outlet.
15. When moving or lifting the Water Tank, use
one hand on the Top Tank Handle and the
other on the Bottom Tank Handle. The bottom
housing and Water Tank are not attached.
16. For Residential Use Only.
The Honeywell Trademark is used by Kaz USA, Inc. under license from Honeywell International Inc.
Honeywell International Inc. makes no representation or warranties with respect to this product.

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