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Wireless Domestic Heating Zoning System
Section Page
1 General .................................................. 1
2 Technical Information ..........................
3 Factory Configuration ..........................
4 HC60NG Relay Module .........................
5 CM67z Room Unit .................................
6 HR80UK Radiator Controller ...............
7 System Testing .....................................
7.1 Service mode ......................................................6
8 Changing the Configuration ................ 7
8.1 Parameters of the CM67z ...................................7
8.2 Changing or adding a HR80UK to a zone ........
8.3 Built -in sensor configuration ...........................
8.4 Adding a HC60NG Zone valve controller .........
8.5 Resetting a Bound HR80UK ..............................
9 Trouble Shooting ................................ 10
9.1 Trouble Shooting Guide ...................................10
9.2 Manual adaption ...............................................
Def (default setting) and Full operating modes
9.4 Resetting the HR 80 to the factory settings ...
The CM Zone Wireless Domestic Heating Zoning System
offers high levels of comfort and energy savings for the
home. It provides the ability to control two individual zones
at different comfort levels and at different times. A typical
example being the living areas and the bedrooms being
controlled separately.
The standard CM Zone Pack contains a Room Unit, a Relay
Module and six Radiator Controllers all pre-bound with three
Radiator Controllers bound to Zone 1 and three bound to
Zone 2. The System can be expanded or modified and the
methods used are described within this Guide.
To get the best from the installed system it is recommended
to use Honeywell VT15, VT117 or VT200 TRV bodies and a
Honeywell DU145 Automatic Bypass Valve.
For application support please contact your nearest
Honeywell salesman, for technical assistance please contact
the Honeywell Technical Help Desk, details are on the back
HC60NG Relay Module CM67z Room Unit
HR80UK Radiator Controllers
42010824-003 R3
Type numbers
CM67z - Room Unit (x1)
HR80UK - Radiator Controller (x6)
HC60NG - Relay module (x1)
Housings made of plastics (ABS).
CM67z - 155 x 105 x 30 mm. (l x h x d)
HR80UK - 50 x 80 x 105 mm. (l x h x d)
HC60NG - 131 x 97 x 36 mm. (l x h x d)
CM67z - 2 x 1.5 V IEC LR6 (AA) Alkaline cells
HR80UK - 2 x 1.5 V IEC LR6 (AA) Alkaline cells
HC60NG - 230V~ 50Hz powered
Electrical wiring (only for HC60NG)
Mains power supply
Relay output rating: 24-230 V~, 10A resistive,
3A inductive 0.6 p.f.
Programming Capability
2 individual heating programs
7 days with 6 temperature change times per day
DIN EN ISO 9001/14001, CE, EN60730-1 (2000),
EN60730-2-9 (2002), EN55014-1 (2000), EN55014-2 (1997),
ETSI EN300 220-3 (2000), ETSI EN301 489-3 (2000)

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