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Setting up for system programming
Note that if no SMS features are desired, no system programming is required.
1. Mount the antenna into the GSM transceiver.
2. Store SMS messages to be sent by the TS100 into the SIM card, using an ordinary cellullar phone.
See section “Setting up SIM card for SMS transferring”.
3. Insert a GSM SIM card into the unit SIM card reader. NOTE: The SIM card must not be protected
with a PIN code. If required, turn PIN code off using an ordinary cellullar phone.
4. Connect supply voltage (10-25 VDC) to socket “Supply Input”. During a start up period all TS100
LED´s will flash, whereafter the LED´s commence idle indication (Green LED flashing, yellow
LED lit and rest of the LED´s switched off).
5. When system´s in idle mode (green LED flashing, yellow LED lit indicating system´s in GSM
mode): Connect an ordinary tone dialling telephone set to socket “Line Output”. Lift hook and
verify that a dialling tone is received from the TS100.
6. Use the telephone set to program the TS100 unit. See section “Programming the TS100”.
Programming the TS100
The TS100 may be programmed to deliver SMS messages to optional receiver(s) at the following events:
1. PSTN Error activated SMS alarm message sent to receiver phone number 1
2. PSTN Error restored SMS restore message sent to receiver phone number 1
3. SW/AL input activated (short circuited) SMS alarm message sent to receiver phone number 2
4. SW/AL input restored SMS restore message sent to receiver phone number 2
5. Output effected by remote control - SMS status message sent to receiver phone number 3
The actual messages to be sent are stored into the unit SIM card. See section “Setting up SIM card for SMS
transferring”. Any message may be stored for delivery. The only restriction is a maximum length of 40
characters and that the message must be started and ended with an exclamation mark (!).The SMS receiver
phone numbers may be stored either into the SIM card (default) or directly into the TS100 non-volatile
memory area. At an SMS transfer event, the TS100 will fetch the phone number from either of the two areas
and fetch the message to be sent from the SIM card memory area.
Setup commands to the TS100 during programming are always entered in the following context:
**X*Y# where X is the setup function addressed and Y is the new setting desired.
To enter programming mode, an installer PIN code is required. After entering the correct PIN code, all
programming parameters may be altered/updated.
To start a programming session, lift hook on the telephone handset, verify that a dialling tone is received
from the TS100 and start by entering the installer code accordingly:
**8*(Installer PIN, default 1111)#
If the code is accepted, the TS100 LED´s will “roll” for 3 seconds, whereafter the dialling tone returns.
Programming mode is now entered. NOTE: The installer PIN code will be required again if the telephone
handset hook is put back on.
In programming mode the following parameters may be altered/updated:
**1*xxxxxxxx# Update/enter receiver phone number 1 in system processor non-volatile
memory. Note that phone number programming is not required if the
system is set to fetch SMS receiver phone numbers from the SIM card
memory area.
Example: **1*0708756365# Phone number 0708756365 is stored as receiver phone number 1.
**1*# Delete receiver phone number 1
Example: Mobile phone Nokia 8850
1. Press ”Menu”
2. Select ”Messages”
3. Select ”Outbox”
4. If messages are stored in the Outbox, they must be
erased. Select ”Read”-”Options”-”Erase” to delete
Do the same check for the Inbox.
5. After verifying that both the Outbox and the Inbox
are empty, select ”Write messages”.
6. Start by entering the message to be sent at a PSTN
NOTE: the message must be started and ended with an
exclamation mark (!) and is size limited to max. 40
characters. These rules apply to any message to be
delivered by the TS100.
Message example:
!PSTN Error Dualtech IT!
7. Once the message is written, press ”Options”
followed by ”Save”. The message is now stored at
position 1 of the SMS storage area of the SIM card.
It´s essential that the messages are stored in the correct
order since the TS100 fetches messages at predefined
positions at an SMS transfer.
8. As message number 2, the message to be sent at
restoral of the PSTN error is stored.
Message example:
!PSTN Error Dualtech IT restored!
9. As message number 3, the message to be sent at
activation of ”SW/AL Input”
is stored.
10. As message number 4, the message to be sent at
restoral of ”SW/AL Input” is stored.
Ex: Mobile phone Ericsson A1018s
1. Enter menu system and select ”Mail”
2. Select ”Read messages”
3. If any messages are previously stored, they must be
erased. Press ”Yes”-”right arrow” and ”Yes”
4. After verifying that there are no messages
previously stored, select ”Send message” followed by
5. Start by entering the message to be sent at a PSTN
NOTE: the message must be started and ended with an
exclamation mark (!) and is size limited to max. 40
characters. These rules apply to any message to be
delivered by the TS100.
Message example:
!PSTN Error Dualtech IT!
6. Once the message is written, press ”No” to take one
step back in the menu system. Select ”Read
messages”. The newly written message is found
marked as ”To send”. Press ”Yes”-right arrow-”No”-
”Yes”. The message is now stored in the SIM card.
The phone informs about the SIM card memory
location the message is stored to. Verify that the
message ends up in position 1 of the SIM card. It´s
essential the the messages are stored in the correct
order since the TS100 fetches messages at predefined
positions at SMS transfer.
7. As message number 2, the message to be sent at
restoral of the PSTN error is stored.
Message example:
!PSTN Error Dualtech IT restored!
8. As message number 3, the message to be sent at
activation of ”SW/AL Input” is stored.
9. As message number 4, the message to be sent at
restoral of ”SW/AL Input” is stored.

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