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Manual for
Chronotherm IV
You are the owner of the Chronotherm IV, type T 8602A, the most advanced digital
programmable thermostat that Honeywell has ever produced.
With the Chronotherm IV thermostat you can realise almost any wishes in the field of
home-climate control you can wish for. For a maximum of six periods per day you can set
the temperature, and finetune the desired temperature to half a degree.
The Chronotherm IV is equipped with Adaptive Intelligent Recovery, which makes sure
that the desired temperature is being reached on the time you requested. Using the
thermostat is most simple.
Honeywell has experience in developing thermostats for more than a hundred years. The
combination of this experience with state-of-the-art technology ensures your top level in
home comfort. With the aid of this manual you’ll learn step by step to program your
thermostat, and additional examples show you how you can use your thermostat most
Translation of Dutch terms on the Control Panel (see the inside of front cover of Dutch
4. Today as Sunday / Tomorrow as Sunday
5. Holiday Timer
6. Temperature Continuous (manual mode)
7. Start Program (back to functioning according to program)
8. (from left to right, top to bottom:) Rising / Leaving / Sleep / Coming Home
9. Forward / Back
10. Summertime – Wintertime
11. Copy Day
12. Setting Day / Time
13. Day
1. Time, day of the week and room temperature are continuously shown on the display.
The flame-symbol indicates when the heater is being activated.
2. Pressing one of these buttons the set temperature is being changed for only the
duration of the present period.
3. Shows the temperature which is set at the present moment, the temperature outside
and the and the set temperature of the tele-function (if these additions have been

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Andere handleiding(en) van Honeywell Chronotherm IV- type T8602A

Honeywell Chronotherm IV- type T8602A Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 54 pagina's

Honeywell Chronotherm IV- type T8602A Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 57 pagina's

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