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...an explanation for householders
A programmable room thermostat is both a programmer and a room thermostat. A programmer
allows you to set ‘On’ and ‘Off’ time periods to suit your own lifestyle. A room thermostat works
by sensing the air temperature, switching on the heating when the air temperature falls below the
thermostat setting, and switching it off once this set temperature has been reached.
So, a programmable room thermostat lets you choose what times you want the heating to be on,
and what temperature it should reach while it is on. It will allow you to select different temperatures
in your home at different times of the day (and days of the week) to meet your particular needs.
Turning a programmable room thermostat to a higher setting will not make the room heat up any
faster. How quickly the room heats up depends on the design of the heating system, for example,
the size of boiler and radiators.
Neither does the setting affect how quickly the room cools down. Turning a programmable room
thermostat to a lower setting will result in the room being controlled at a lower temperature, and
saves energy.
The way to set and use your programmable room thermostat is to find the lowest temperature
settings that you are comfortable with at the different times you have chosen, and then leave it
alone to do its job. The best way to do this is to set low temperatures first, say 18°C, and then turn
them up by one degree each day until you are comfortable with the temperatures. You won’t have
to adjust the thermostat further. Any adjustments above these settings will waste energy and cost
you more money.
If your heating system is a boiler with radiators, there will usually be only one programmable room
thermostat to control the whole house. But you can have different temperatures in individual rooms
by installing thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) on individual radiators. If you don’t have TRVs,
you should choose a temperature that is reasonable for the whole house. If you do have TRVs, you
can choose a slightly higher setting to make sure that even the coldest room is comfortable, then
prevent any overheating in other rooms by adjusting the TRVs.
The time on the programmer must be correct. Some types have to be adjusted in spring and
autumn at the changes between Greenwich Mean Time and British Summer Time.
You may be able to temporarily adjust the heating programme, for example, ‘Override’, ‘Advance’
or ‘Boost’. These are explained in the manufacturer’s instructions.
Programmable room thermostats need a free flow of air to sense the temperature, so they must
not be covered by curtains or blocked by furniture. Nearby electric fires, televisions, wall or table
lamps may prevent the thermostat from working properly.
Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environment and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, Ecublens, Route du Bois 37,
Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell International Inc.

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    • Eenzelfde probleem doet zich ook voor bij mijn thermostaat, een Honeywell CM700. Wanneer ik de temperatuur één stap hoger instel b.v. van 20 naar 20,5 schakelt hij na 30 seconden weer uit en geeft vrijwel meteen een hogere temperatuur aan terwijl de radiator aan de bovenkant iets opgewarmd is. Ik weet niet of het juist is maar ik vermoed dat de elektrische stroom die gaat lopen bij een ingeschakelde thermostaat warmte genereert zodat hij daarop uitschakelt. De thermostaat is misschien te gevoelig. Geantwoord op 7-12-2020 om 19:39

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Andere handleiding(en) van Honeywell CM707

Honeywell CM707 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 3 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 33 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 3 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 33 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Installatiehandleiding - Français - 3 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 33 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Installatiehandleiding - Italiano - 3 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 33 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Installatiehandleiding - Português - 3 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 33 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Installatiehandleiding - Espanõl - 3 pagina's

Honeywell CM707 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 33 pagina's

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