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CM700 Wireless
Installation Guide
CM727 / CM721 Wireless Programmable
Room Thermostat & BDR91 Relay box
The Honeywell CM700 Wireless (CM727 or
CM721) is a modern wireless programmable
room thermostat based on Honeywell’s proven
programming philosophy. To further improve the
ease of use, this product includes a large LCD
display with backlighting to assist customers
during daily use.
The CM727/721 room thermostat communicates
with the BDR91 relay box on an 868MHz Radio
Frequency (RF) band to control a single heating
system component such as a boiler, pump or
zone valve. Neither product will communicate with
other RF products that use different frequencies or
communication protocols.
Note: The RF link between the individual room
thermostat (CM727/721) and relay box (BDR91)
in system packs provided by Honeywell is pre-
configured at the factory and therefore SHOULD
be installed at the same site. This makes the
installation process fast and easy, but if products
from individual system packs are separated, or
mixed with other pre-configured system packs
during installations please refer to section 5.1
Binding / Rebinding Procedure to bind the desired
units together and allow them to communicate with
each other.
Table of Contents
Section Page
1) Installation Information ................................. 2
2) Installing the CM700 Wireless System ......... 3
2.1 Installing the Relay box ................................... 3
2.2 Installing the Room Thermostat ........................ 4
2.2.1 Power Up ............................................... 4
2.2.2 RF Communication Check ........................ 4
2.2.3 Locating the Room Thermostat ................. 5
2.3 System Check................................................ 5
3) Basic Operation of the System ..................... 6
3.1 Automatic Operation ....................................... 6
3.2 Temporary Manual Override ............................. 6
3.3 Communication Loss ...................................... 6
4) Installer Mode ................................................. 6
4.1 Entering Installer Mode ................................... 7
4.2 BDR91 Relay box Fail-Safe Mode Setup ............ 7
4.3 Using the Room Thermostat for Specific Applications
.. 8
4.4 Using the Special Features of the Room Thermostat
.. 8
4.5 Installer Parameters Table ............................... 9
4.5.1 Category 1 - Room Thermostat Settings ..... 9
4.5.2 Category 2 - System Settings .................. 10
5) Additional Installation Information ............. 10
5.1 Binding / Rebinding Procedure ...................... 10
5.2 Multi-Zone System ........................................ 10
6) Trouble Shooting .......................................... 11
6.1 Trouble Shooting Guide ................................. 11
6.2 Diagnostics Mode ........................................ 11
50039990-003 A

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Honeywell CM700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 1 pagina's

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