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Check the accessory mounts frequently and
retighten if necessary.
Use a 1A fuse for replacement of the fuse in the
accessory harness. Do not use any other fuse for
Use a 7.5A fuse for replacement of the fuse in
the Relay Set. Do not use any other fuse for
The maximum power rating of connected accessories
is 12 W (12 V, 1 A).
Use accessories with the engine running to avoid
discharging the battery.
Switch the headlight to low beam when accessories
are connected to avoid discharging the battery.
Do not use a cigarette lighter, as this can cause a
Cover the socket with the cap when the accessory
socket is not used to prevent entry of foreign objects.
Carefully secure any connected devices, as
vibrations may cause them to shift unexpectedly.
To prevent burns, allow the engine, exhaust system,
radiator, etc., to cool before installing the accessory.
The following accessories (sold separately) are
required to install this accessory:
Sub Harness
Relay Set
Reinstall the removed parts on the motorcycle and
make sure that wires and harnesses are not pinched.
Disconnect the negative (-) cable from the battery
before installing this accessory.
The memory of the clock will be erased when
you disconnect the battery. Reset the clock after
reconnecting the battery.
Trim the excess ends off the wire ties after attaching
them to the wire harnesses. Do not allow the cut part
of the wire tie to interfere with any harness or brake
When replacing the Sub Harness or Relay Set,
follow the instructions described in these installation
1. Refer to the Service Manual for the motorcycle,
remove the maintenance lid and disconnect the
negative cable from the battery.
2. Remove the fuse box cover as shown.

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