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When using your blood pressure monitor,
basic precautions should always be followed.
Please read and follow all instructions and
warnings before using this product. Save these
instructions for future reference.
Please note that this is a home healthcare
product only and it is not intended to serve as
a substitute for the advice of a physician or
medical professional.
Do not use this device for diagnosis or
treatment of any health problem or
disease. Measurement results are for
reference only. Consult a healthcare
professional for interpretation of
pressure measurements. Contact your
physician if you have or suspect any medical
problem. Do not change your medications
without the advice of your physician or
healthcare professional.
This product is not suitable for people with
arrhythmias. This device may have difficulty
determining the proper blood pressure for
individuals with diabetes, poor circulation of
blood, kidney problems or for users who have
suffered from a stroke.
Consult your physician before measuring
blood pressure at the wrist if you have any of
the following conditions: Severe hypertension,
severe diabetes, severe arteriosclerosis,
severe kidney disease or vascular disease
that may compromise circulation.
The pulse display is not suitable for checking
the frequency of heart pacemakers.
Electromagnetic interference: The device
contains sensitive electronic components.
Avoid strong electrical or electromagnetic fields
in the direct vicinity of the device (e.g. mobile
telephones, microwave ovens). These may
lead to temporary impairment of measurement
Use this blood pressure monitor only for its
intended use.
Do not wrap the cuff around body parts other
than your wrist.
Not for use by persons under the age of 18.
• Use only 1.5V AAA alkaline batteries for power
Blood pressure measurements determined with
this device are equivalent to those obtained by
a trained observer using the cuff/stethoscope
auscultatory method, within the limits prescribed
by the American National Standard, Manual,
electronic, or automated sphygmomanometers.
BPW-040_A.indd 5-6BPW-040_A.indd 5-6 12/22/09 12:37 PM12/22/09 12:37 PM

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