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Customer Info
Manufacturer’s Warranty
Our service partner requires proof of purchase, either as original receipt or cash receipt printed by
the seller to perform warranty repairs. The serial number on the device must also be readable. We
are unable to perform warranty services free of charge without proof of purchase. We recommend
keeping the original packaging in order to ensure safe transport of the device in case of a warranty
Warranty repairs may be performed exclusively by E2 Servicecenter GmbH or contractual partners
authorised by it. Repairs performed by the customer or other shops void the warranty; a claim for
cost reimbursement does not exist.
The warranty is void or does not cover:
in case of improper use
in case of mechanical damages to the device from outside forces
in case of transportation damages
for wear parts
in case of operating errors and misuse
when placing the device in wet rooms or outdoors
in case of damages resulting from force, war, water, lightning, excess voltage, and other
reasons not within the scope of HOME ELECTRICs responsibility.
in case of excessive use, in particular in case of non-domestic use
in case of disregard of the user instructions and installation errors
if the device does not have a technical defect
for transport and travel costs as well as costs incurred by installing and uninstalling the device
The warranty does not include any subsequent liability on our part, in particular no liability for
damages to the device itself or incurred by the loss of the device until the time of repair (e.g.
travel costs, handling costs, etc.). However, this does not limit or exclude our statutory warranty, in
particular pursuant to the Product Liability Act.
Any warranty services provided by us do not extend the warranty term of 3 years as of the date of
purchase, also not in terms of possibly exchanged components.
We wish you much joy with your new device and hope that your next one will be another
KA5002A-IM-DE-EN-V1.indb 19 21/01/2010 9:24 AM

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