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5. The max operation time per time shall not exceed 5 minutes and minimum 10 minutes
rest time must be maintained between two consecutive cycles. When kneading yeast
dough, suggest the speed selector first use a low speed and then use high speed to
achieve best results.
6. When mixing is completed, turn the speed selector to 0 setting , unplug the cord from
power outlet.
7. If necessary you can scrape the excess food particles from the beaters or dough hooks
by rubber or wooden spatula.
8. Hold the beaters/dough hooks with one hand and press the ejection button firmly down
with the other hand, remove the beater/dough hooks.
Note: Remove the beaters/dough hooks only at the 0 setting.
Cleaning and Maintenance
1. Unplug the appliance and wait it completely cool down before clean.
2. Wipe over the outside surface of the head with a dampened cloth and polish with a soft
dry cloth.
3. Wipe any excess food particles from the power cord.
4. Wash the beaters and dough hooks in warm soapy water and wipe dry. The beaters
and dough hooks may be washed in the dishwasher.
Caution: The mixer can not be immersed in water or other liquid.
1. Refrigerated ingredients, ie. butter and eggs should be at room temperature before
mixing begins. Set these ingredients out ahead of time.
2. To eliminate the possibility of shells or deteriorated-off eggs in your recipe, break eggs
into separate container first, then add to the mixture.
3. Do not over-beat. Be careful that you only mix/blend mixtures until recommended in
your recipe. Fold into dry ingredients only until just combined. Always use the low
4. Climatic conditions Seasonal temperature changes, temperature of ingredients and
their texture variation from area to area all play a part in the required mixing time and
the results achieved.
5. Always start mixing at slow speeds. Gradually increase to the recommended speed as
stated in the recipe.

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