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HE-410 & HE-420 IP56
Remote outdoor socket
and Switch
The HomeEasy Outdoor Socket kit
allows you to control your outdoor
lighting and ponds etc simply and
The remote control outdoor socket can
be set to operate in one of three
AUTO: Allows the remote control outdoor socket to
switch on/off using the remote control, allowing
you to control your outdoor lighting from any point.
ON: Sets the remote control outdoor socket as a
standard outdoor socket.
Remote Switch
Remote Socket
This product should be fitted by a competent person in accordance with the
instructions listed below and with the relavent clauses of the IEE wiring
regulations BS7671.
The remote outdoor socket should be used in conjunction with a fused spur
connection, all connections to the socket need to be made as instructed,
making sure that the cable used is appropriate for the installation
environment, free from stress & terminals are tightened fully.
1. Open up the front, flip top cover.
2. Unscrew the four screws shown. To
separate the front, from the back of the
3. After all 4 screws have
been removed, the front will
separate from the back.
Front half
Back half
Opening Unit:
2. Using the back half of the unit as a template, pencil mark all four
corners onto your chosen surface. Making sure 'TOP' (marked on
the casing is at the top.
3. Drill all four marked holes and insert suitable wall plugs for a
number ‘8’ screw (recommended size).
4. Screw to the wall.
Fixing Holes
Mounting Socket:
1: In the back half of the unit, in all four corners are purpose made holes for fixing your
remote socket to your intended surface. TheHE-410 needs to be mounted onto a flat,
vertical surface. Free from grease, loose material and any corrosive substances.
We recommend a house or sturdy garden wall.
Remove Bottom
'Entry Blank'
Wiring Remote Socket:
On the back half of the remote socket you will see that there are 4 circular shaped disks
(‘Entry blanks’) on each side (3 are plastic, 1 is rubber). Depending on if you wish to link up
more than one ‘Outdoor remote socket’ you can remove or replace these disks.
It is recommended that the bottom most ‘Entry blank should be removed to gain entry
into the ‘Outdoor Remote Socket . This will help keep the moisture out.
If installing the outdoor socket with conduit from the sides or top attachment, a 5mm hole
must be drilled through the bottom left drainage hole. This will allow for any condensation
forming in the conduit, to drain out.
Caution: opening the drainage hole will effect the IP rating of the product. Ensure that
jetted water is not directly sprayed onto the unit.
Do Not drill out the drainage hole when installing the
Outdoor socket into a dusty environment. Always install
the unit via the bottom cable entry, making sure that a
5mm hole is drilled into the lowest point in the conduit
1. Switch off and isolate the mains power before altering
the code setting
4. Send the cable through the conduit and into the
‘Outdoor Remote Socket’.
(Live - Brown)
(Earth - Green & Yellow)
(Neutral - Blue)
Exposed wire
(L = Live - Brown)
(E = Earth - Green & Yellow)
(N = Neutral - Blue)
Please Note: The Cable is
up inside the box, so that
no wires can be seen.
2: Cut back the cable to reveal 3 separate wires
L= Live  Brown
E= Earth  Green & Yellow
N= Neutral  Blue
3. Now strip each wire, exposing 10mm of its
3: Insert the exposed core wires into their related
terminals and clamp down by tightening the
respective screw. If you are not using 3 core wire:
L= Live  Brown
E= Earth  Green & Yellow
N= Neutral  Blue
1 Gang
2 Gang
OFF: An additional safety feature of the HE410 is the ability to
switch off the power to the unit as per a normal socket.
When installing secondary Outdoor receiver sockets always place the
units approximately 30-40cm apart.

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