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Caution: always make sure the switch converter is
secure in the back box when programming.
Switch Converter
Up to Six remote control units can be paired with each converter switch or
module. To pair a converter switch, connect the converter unit as per the wiring
instructions. Using a small screw driver press "Learn" button. The LED will start
to flash; press the selected "ON" button on the remote control, the LED will stop
flashing. The units are now paired together, you can test this by pressing the
selected "On/Off" button.
Deleting Remote Control:
To delete a remote control that has been paired with a HomeEasy receiver
unit, press the "Learn". The LED will start to blink; press the "Off" button on the
remote control, the LED will blink twice to confirm that the remote control has
been removed from the receiver sockets memory.
Pairing/Deleting with Remote Control:
HE-203 Remote Control
Switch Converter & Dimmer
The HomeEasy remote control Switch
Converter allows you to convert a
standard 1way light switch in to a
HomeEasy remote control unit.
For use with in series with incandescent
lighting only.
Read the instructions care fully before starting the installation process and keep
them for future reference. If you are in any doubt on the installation process,
consult a qualified electrician.
This product should be installed in accordance with the relevant sections of
the building
regulations code, and the current edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations
(BS 7671:Requirements for electrical installations) and appropriate statutory
As of1 April 2004, new installations in the UK should be wired using the EU
harmonised colours for the supply conductors:
New colours:
BROWN = Live  BLUE = Neutral Earth = Yellow/Green
Old colours:
RED = Live BLACK = Neutral
The old colours will cease from April 2006.
Electrical installations in bathrooms, kitchens, gardens, floor and heating systems,
pools, saunas and extra-low voltage lighting are classed as special installations and
Do not install ceiling receivers on lighting circuits used to supply other
products such as extractor fans and shaver socket outlets.
Do not exceed the Maximum Power Rating of 210W, Incandescent lighting
Origional Switch
240V ~50Hz
Do not use the switch converter with low voltage lighting transformers,
fluorescent bulbs, and energy saving lighting or fans, incorrect installation may
damage the converter. In case of any doubt consult a qualified electrician.
1: Isolate the mains supply, then remove the existing switch and disconnect the
wiring from the switch terminals on the back of the light switch.
2: Ensure the wall box is free from plaster lumps, projecting screw heads or any
other material. The switch converter is designed to fit in a 25mm back box, if
required a deeper back box or a proprietary spacer can be used between the
switch and the wall.
3: Wire the mains cable to the converter switch as per the diagram below:
240V Input
4: Connect the two switching wires from the switch converter to the original
light switch, making sure 1 way operation is used.
5: Make sure all terminals and earth connections are correct and secure with
no bare wires showing.
You will now need to program the switch converter:-
Making sure the live cable is connected to " " terminal and, the switch live
wire to the " " terminal.
6: Gently replace the switch cover making sure no wires are caught between
the switch and the wall. Do not over tighten as this could crack or distort the
Reconnect the mains supply
Learn Button

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