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Safety Precautions
Never use the projector if a problem should occur.
Abnormal operations such as smoke, strange odor, no image, no sound,
excessive sound, damaged casing or elements or cables, penetration of
liquids or foreign matter, etc. can cause a fire or electrical shock.
In such case, immediately turn off the power switch and then disconnect the
power plug from the power outlet. After making sure that the smoke or odor
has stopped, contact your dealer. Never attempt to make repairs yourself
because this could be dangerous.
• The power outlet should be close to the projector and easily accessible.
Use special caution for children and pets.
Incorrect handling could result in fire, electrical shock, injury, burn or vision
Use special caution in households where children and pets are present.
Do not insert liquids or foreign object.
Penetration of liquids or foreign objects could result in fire or electrical shock.
Use special caution in households where children are present.
If liquids or foreign object should enter the projector, immediately turn off the
power switch, disconnect the power plug from the power outlet and contact
your dealer.
• Do not place the projector near water (ex. a bathroom, a beach, etc.).
Do not expose the projector to rain or moisture. Do not place the projector
• Do not place flower vases, pots, cups, cosmetics, liquids such as water, etc
on or around the projector.
• Do not place metals, combustibles, etc on or around the projector.
To avoid penetration of foreign objects, do not put the projector into a case
or bag together with any thing except the accessories of the projector,
signal cables and connectors.
Never disassemble and modify.
The projector contains high voltage components. Modification and/or disassembly of
the projector or accessories could result in fire or electrical shock.
• Never open the cabinet.
Ask your dealer to repair and clean insider.
Do not give the projector any shock or impact.
If the projector should be shocked and/or broken, it could result in an injury,
and continued use could result in fire or electrical shock.
If the projector is shocked, immediately turn off the power switch, disconnect
the power plug from the power outlet and contact your dealer.
Do not place the projector on an unstable surface.
If the projector should be dropped and/or broken, it could result in an injury,
and continued use could result in fire or electrical shock.
Do not place the projector on an unstable, slant or vibrant surface such as
a wobbly or inclined stand.
• Use the caster brakes placing the projector on a stand with casters.
Do not place the projector in the side up position, the lens up position or
the lens down position.
In the case of a ceiling installation or the like, contact your dealer before
Disconnect the
plug from the
power outlet.
Do not

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  • Ik heb er een gekocht op markplaats zonder afstandbediening en er zit een toestelslot op tijdens het opstarten er achter gekomen ik kan niet in het menu komen hoe los ik dat op??? Gesteld op 3-2-2024 om 19:28

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Ik heb een Hitachi ed a101 beamer ik kan niet in de menu’s komen hij zeg een toetsslot Gesteld op 22-4-2020 om 01:15

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Het Apparaat start op en na een paar seconden gaat hij weer uit. Power gaat dan rood branden.
    Kan het apparaat dan even geheel niet bedienen. Na een tijdje kan ik hem weer met de afstandbediening weer aanzetten. met na een paar seconden weer uit val.

    Wat zou dit kunnen zijn?

    Ernst Jansen Gesteld op 29-8-2016 om 14:39

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Is het mogelijk om de spiegel te verstellen voor een optimale projectie op elke muur? Gesteld op 13-8-2015 om 15:49

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Hitachi ed a101

Hitachi ed a101 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 100 pagina's

Hitachi ed a101 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 100 pagina's

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